
Friday, September 30, 2011

Settling In

Life is good. This is the view when I go on my walks. Clear, blue skies, magnificent oaks, squirrels to distract the dog, anthills, marshes, flying fish and even alligators. Today I saw a baby (not sure -- it was about 1-2 ft long) sunning itself by one of the ponds. It crawled into the water and kept watch. Once my eyes adjusted, I saw three more alligators in the pond and a few turtles too. We watched each other :)

I love coming home to vibrant milkweed and daisies planted by the side of our house. So pretty. Lots of butterflies and birds too.

All these pictures up above were taken by my daughter. She's getting good, no? My son isn't the only one with a good eye.


We had such a fun time at the pumpkin patch last weekend -- hay rides, corn maze (hard to believe how tall the corn was), giant jumping pillow and gloriously orange pumpkins. We need to get some to decorate our front porch.

We are so blessed to have the final assembly for the Boeing 787 here in Charleston. Everyone here is so pleased to have the factory here as well because a big company like Boeing helps develop a lot of the supporting industry in the area.

This is my office (finally a room of my own!) and although there are plenty of boxes still left to be unpacked, I have all the important stuff -- my novel, my laptop, space and time. It's been two long months since I touched it and I will begin next week, if only to read and make notes. My goal is to get is polished to send it out by the end of the year.

The dog has a bed beneath my desk and she's sleeping there as I write this post. My old black cat hasn't yet discovered the blanket yet. She's meowing upstairs.

Can you give me tips on how best to dive back into writing and revising while there is still a ton of household stuff to be taken care of? Am I crazy to try to attempt this or should I just let it be until I can spend a couple of hours on it daily? It's probably going to take me another month to get settled enough where I'm not worried about lost school forms and what else did I forget to do. What do you do to get back into your work after a long hiatus and how do you write when life is still chaotic? I'm all ears.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Moving In

It seems that every time we've moved, we have accumulated more stuff than what we've given away. We're finally in our new home and now the real work of making this house into a home begins. I had complained to Marcia H. that I had a month when we were pretty much living out of a suitcase in an apartment, that I was squandering the free time I had instead of diving into revisions, and she was spot on in her reason -- we'd be moving again -- and my brain knew it.

We moved into our semi-permanent home this weekend and I've been trying to get the kitchen set up, with space for the children to do their schoolwork. It's box-city though and very messy. I cannot write like this at all, and although I want to, I simply cannot focus. The priority is to get the house in order. I wish it would all happen magically, but there is joy in seeing gradual progress.

I take the dog out for long walks. It is beautiful here, with trails and paths and ponds. This morning we explored a marshy area by the Wando river and the dog kept snapping at the fiddler crabs. I'm surprised she's not gotten pinched yet. I take my breaks on the back porch. This is the view. A piece of heaven, no? It is quiet and I love listening to the bugs and birds chirp. I see eagles and vultures soaring up above.

The previous owners left this little Manneken Pis statue. My daughter thinks it's disgusting, but we lived in Belgium for a few years so I have a soft spot for this little boy.

So, there you go. I took a longish break for this post, and I must get back to my boxes. Pray that we get settled soon, so that I can get back to my writing.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic -- Again

For some reason, I get a lot of people visiting here who are interested in the Lord's Prayer in Aramaic. As much as I loved the song, the translation that I pulled off the website is incorrect. I didn't realize this, but apparently there are several lovely (mis)translations floating around on the Internet. I should've done my research before posting, but better late than never. I will be deleting my previous post on the Lord's Prayer.

If you scroll near the end of this post, you will see a translation by Steve Caruso, a scholar, and I urge you to read the entire text.

As you will see, what we pray in English is good and well.

I am sorry to spread bad information, but I hope I have redeemed myself.

To a commenter who was interested in Aramaic, I hope you are reading this, and find the links useful.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Warm Water

I couldn't get over how warm the ocean was. They said 80 degrees. Felt wonderful. We were in there for a couple of hours just before high tide and the sound of waves crashing and engulfing us much too quickly was sheer delight. My memories of being in lakes and rivers and the Pacific ocean are not associated with warmth. Only cold. We'd go camping and after 2-3 days feel so grubby, we just have to walk into the icy waters. Refreshing. And then towelling off quickly and sitting by the fire to get the blood circulating again.

Here, I didn't even realize how hot my skin was until after we came home. The kids and I are turning into toasty little brownies. My husband, alas, is turning pink. If it hadn't been for him, we'd have gotten sunburned as well. But he made all three of us get out because he didn't want us to burn. I'm thankful for that.

Can you believe that my kiddos were as far out as my husband even though this was their first time to be in the Atlantic? The waves were way over their heads. We swallowed plenty of salt-water. The good thing is that whatever bug my son was just beginning to harbor in his sinuses is gone!

We definitely need to join a swim club so that we can become better swimmers and ride those waves.

I hope you all had a restful Labor Day and had some fun too.
