
Monday, March 17, 2008

The Basics

It's almost bedtime and I am pondering what to say in this newfound tool of communication -- the ubiquitous blog.


Over the last few weeks I've had an overwhelming urge to shout out all the wonderful things happening in my critique group and it felt appropriate to toss these words into the blogosphere.

We've been together five years now, and how we've grown. Jen has a new book out! So does Molly! I gave my first talk to my local SCBWI. So here we are celebrating (you can click on the picture to get a better view of the book):

We write in isolation, but to test whether we wrote what we meant, a critique group is a must. And the fringe benefits are priceless: friendship, trust, growth. Tell me, how do you grow as a writer? Do you share your manuscripts with a few trusted writers? Or do you show your work directly to your agent or editor?