
Monday, July 14, 2008

Feed Me!

We spied four eggs, and three have hatched. Mama and Papa Junco feed their babies countless times a day. These babies aren't cute per se, but we sure love their cheeping.
I'm loving this summer. Writing is on the backburner. Now that my children go to school full-time, I don't even try to carve in productive writing time when they're home. It's enough to just scribble in my notebook. Time is going so fast ... before we know it, the baby birds will fledge and my kiddos will be heading out of the house. I also believe in the power of the subconscious to keep working in the background. Or perhaps it's my excuse for being lazy ...
Tell me, do you ever use your kids as an excuse?


  1. Great picture. A few summers ago, a determined robin made a nest right above the porch light by our back door. It got quite used to us going in and out, and soon had no qualms going back and forth right above our heads as we ate meals outside. I was sad to see them go, and it reminded me too of the short time we have with our kids before they too will be gone.

    Enjoy them now, and live without regret--the writing can wait. That's my motto!

  2. It's heartening when wild birds get used to you ... I like your motto, Angela. Definitely no regrets, but I could use a good dose of discipline :)

  3. lol, me too I suppose. I think I need to instill a 'no internet while writing' rule...

  4. Such a cute pic! I love your idea for notebook-scribbling. I'm trying to figure out how to continue my writing with a newborn at home, and the scribbling sounds a lot more doable than my drafting and editing plans.

  5. Becca, hats off to you for even thinking about goals with a newborn baby. My biggest goal when #2 was born was getting enough sleep :)

    The short snippets works really well. Try writing poems. Just play with words. So many stories have come out of *playtime* -- Good Luck.
