
Saturday, November 8, 2008


I think of writing as a lifelong journey. What I didn't realize when I began writing for children is how profoundly it would change me, and how it would cause me to take another journey. I can't precisely pinpoint the transition, but for the past couple of years, much of the writing I've done hasn't been for publication, but solely for myself. I've been examining my faith or lack thereof. And there are places in my notebook where the ink runs because of the tears -- tears of sadness for the lost years and tears of joy because I am the prodigal daughter ... and I'm returning not just by myself, but bringing my entire family back into the welcoming arms of God. And so, I embark on another journey ... and this time I know I'm not alone. I am blessed.


  1. Oh Vijaya! There's nothing like reconnecting with That Something which we cannot possible know but which we sense Knows us.

  2. Looking back, I can say that I never lost faith completely, but now ... it's indescribably wonderful to feel ensconed. My childhood faith has been restored a hundredfold.

  3. Thank you for sharing your special joy, Vijaya! I was feeling a bit down today and your post was a wonderful "happy" for me.

  4. I'm glad to see you so happy and content. I'm interested in your journey there and back. Maybe drop me a line sometime.
