
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Writing Novels

I haven't been going to our local SCBWI meetings because of all the kiddie sports and activities. Gosh, if there's a night I can hang out at home with my kiddos, that's the thing to do. But not even a headache was going to prevent me this time. Molly drove (thank you). Love my carpool buddies -- Molly, Jeanie and Sue. Always nice to visit and it makes the drive more pleasant.
What a pleasure it was to meet up with writing friends, celebrate the successes of our local authors and illustrators, especially Kevan and Jolie, eat all those Christmas cookies, and finally, after passing on the SCBWI Co-RA hats to Joni and Laurie, listen to the fabulous, pink-haired Laini Taylor on the strategies she uses to finish books. She is smart, funny and gracious and I urge you all to read Not for Robots. I think there's something there for each and every one of us who is trying to finish a book.
Thank you Laini, for a wonderful and inspiring talk.


  1. Sounds like fun, Vijaya! I know what you mean about it being hard to get to meetings (of any kind) that happen on a regular basis. I always think, "I'll go to one soon," but they aren't rare enough to make me feel I urgently must go. That's what's been happening with my book club lately.

  2. It's true ... and the busier we get, the more we have to decide whether a meeting is *worth* the time.

    The sport seasons really put a damper -- I miss meeting with my critique group the most, but fall and spring, though not impossible to get away, too much of a hassle to get there, so I give it up.

    I hope your book club gets revived in the New Year.
