
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

SCBWI Seattle Writing-for-Hire / Agents

I haven't been here in ages and missed you all. So, if folks are in the Seattle area, please come and join us Wed. Apr. 8th at Seattle Pacific University - Demaray Hall, Room 150 at 7:00 pm. Please do say hello if you come.

I will be speaking along with two of my critique partners about writing-for-hire. It's an excellent way to keep writing and getting some cash flow. I have updated my website to add my handouts. See:

Here's the blurb from the website:

April 8, 2009 Mini-Session: WHOSE BOOK IS IT? THE PROS, CONS, AND HOW-TOS OF WRITING WORK FOR HIRE with panelists Molly Blaisdell, Vijaya Bodach, and Allyson Schrier. A publisher has a topic, a concept, maybe even a title. Now all they need is a writer. How can that writer be you? Our three panelists, who have written over 70 work-for-hire books in total, will share their collective insight in cracking this fun and lucrative market. When you can write to specifications and on tight deadlines, the results can include beautiful fiction and nonfiction books that children read, a real paycheck, and the boost of confidence that comes from being published.

Main Program: HOW TO HOOK A HOTTIE: LANDING THE AGENT OF YOUR DREAMS with Holly Cupala. Think getting an agent is a waste of time? Impossible? How do you find the right agent for you? Holly decided to find out the hard way, the easy way, and every way in between before receiving two offers of representation. She’ll spill her secrets to help you find an agent, too. Holly wrote and illustrated many stories, articles, and crafts for publication before turning to writing for young adults. Her first novel received an SCBWI Work-in-Progress grant, and her dream agent sold it in a two-book pre-empt deal to HarperCollins for publication in 2010.


  1. Oh I sure wish I could be there!

  2. I'm with Bish - would love to be there! It's great that you and your friends are sharing your wealth of knowledge, Vijaya. I'm sure you will bless the participants with your wisdom and good advice. :o)

  3. Thank you, ladies ... the talk went very well and we even got a few laughs.

  4. Even though you are not blogging so much, I have nominated you for the Lemonade Stand Award.

    Cheers raising a glass to you, Vijaya.

  5. Thanks, Bish. Does this mean I make lemonade ... boy do I have stories about that.

    Justina, what was cool is that we all met in Peggy's class and she was in the audience. She made an announcement about her class, and said that we are the best endorsers! We had a good time and I hope people are getting their stuff together to write for their supper.

  6. I missed this, but I so wanted to come and introduce myself! I've only been able to attend one or two monthly meetings, and I've seen you there but was too shy to come up and say hi.

    Maybe next time?


  7. Oh, Elissa, I have only made it to 2-3 meetings this year as well, what with all the kids' stuff in the evening.

    I'll be attending the conference this year, so please don't be shy. If you see me, come and say hi. I promise to be lice free :)
