
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer Holidays

School's OUT! My kids are happy and so am I. I love this time with my kids after a busy baseball-filled spring and all the end-of-the-year school activities. This summer I am a little bit anxious about juggling my teaching, but so far it's going alright. It helps that my kids know how to entertain themselves. Plus, I've started taking an afternoon nap ... this buys me productive writing and teaching time at night.

I've also cut back on Internetty things ... I miss it, but there's not enough time in the day to do all the things I need and want to. And reading is always high on my priority ... Here are some of the books I've been reading. No luscious book covers, but you can look them up on Amazon.

Incantation by Alice Hoffmann is set during the Spanish Inquisition. The writing is beautiful and I will have to read this again to see how she does so much in so few words. I suspect it's all the right words. I have another one of her books: Indigo. Her writing is luminous.

The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams was a fascinating look into a closed polygamous community through the eyes of Kyra, a 13-year-old, who is being forced into marriage to an old uncle. I wish the book had an author's note about closed communities in general and how they function and fit into the larger society.

I'm re-reading My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Amazing, amazing book, voice, plot, everything. Can't wait to see the movie. JP is one of my favorite authors in how she manages to look at several sides of difficult issues.

I'm in the thick of What's So Great About Christianity by Dinesh D'Souza. A wonderful book that reconciles reason and belief. If you wonder about the existence of God, read this.

Enjoy your summer ... and if you don't hear from me, it's because I'm being lazy.


  1. Hi Vijaya. I'm piling up a little stack of books that include Soul Enchilada and Oh, My Gods.

    I love to read. I love summer because I read stacks. I'm going to rereas TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD and 1984 this summer.

  2. Someone gave us Incantation, I think -- I've got it in a pile of books in storage. Now I'll have to go get it out -- I had no idea it was about the Inquisition. And I've read a blog review of The Chosen One, by A Paperback Writer, I think. There's something wonderful about having all these books I want to read, but something a little frustrating too -- where will I find the time?

    My kids are also thrilled that school's out for the summer, but I honestly don't think they can be anywhere near as happy about it as I am!

  3. Ah, you sound like a teacher, Mary. My students come year-round. They are self-selected and highly motivated, so it's much different that teaching a required chemistry class. It is a challenge to do everything in the summer, but I love it.
