
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Gift of Time

Sometimes you get the most unexpected gift when you most need it. This week, the children will be with their grandparents and I will have the pleasure of writing, teaching, and putting this house back in order. Without interruptions. Plus, my husband and I can have a date night every night :)

I also hope to take twice daily walks with the dog, do more obedience training, and pray the rosary. I used to do it regularly, but sometime this summer, I became too tired to give even 20 minutes to contemplate the life of Jesus. Sigh. I do find myself praying while walking or doing the dishes, but the rosary is somehow different ... I'm trying to pin what it is and I think it's because generally when I pray, it's still all about me -- my kids, my family, my friends, my dreams, etc. With the rosary, it's about Him.

I just got back a letter from my teacher on my first chapter of the novel, and the timing couldn't be perfect. Not only have I been itching to write, but I've already written some ...

As I prepare to turn in for the night, I can't help but remember my children's laughter, their absolute joy for having this gift ...


  1. There is nothing as great as getting a big chunk of uninterrupted time. I hope you can make better use of it than I have in the past: my kids have ruined me. Without their noise in the background, I actually find it hard to write. I can hardly believe I've just written that and I'll NEVER let them know...

    I use gardening as a chance to ruminate and pray. Strange, but somehow it works for me.

  2. A stretch of writing time is indeed a delicious gift and I try to make the most of every moment. Enjoy your time!

  3. Enjoy! I just had a "Weekend of Solitude" and it was fabulous.

  4. Thank you ladies. I have been very relaxed all day and able to finish a chapter ... the house is still a mess, but hey ... one cannot do everything in a day.

    Mary, that is so funny ... see if my kids are in the house and it gets really quiet, then I can't write either because usually they're up to no good. But away at Grandma's the quiet is heavenly.

  5. Hi Vijaya,

    Just came across your blog as I was wandering in the webspace.

    Hope you have a great writing time!


  6. Thanks for visiting, Suma. Looks like we are in the same neck of the woods ... enjoying the heat? Even my pets are too hot to bug each other. Instead they're sprawled out on the floor beside me as I write.

  7. Have a wonderful week. Dates (whether going out or staying in) sound wonderful!
