
Monday, July 13, 2009

Spotting Blueboarder Books

One evening in Disneyland, I took the two girls to the bookstore. They'd finished reading the couple of books they'd brought to read. While they browsed through the books, I met a Sikh family visiting from India. They were looking for books for their two girls, ages 6 and 11, and particularly for the 11-year-old because she didn't like to read. The father proudly said, "She's just like me. Doesn't like to read. I still don't read. But I tell her that in today's world she must read. What to do?"

Sigh. I realize that not everyone in this world like to read books, but I don't know how parents can expect their children to enjoy reading, when they don't like to read themselves. Thankfully, this family was trying to remedy that ...

After listening to what the girl liked, I managed to find something by Gail Carson Levine, Jeff Kinney and of course, J. K. Rowling. Fingers crossed. I told them that perhaps they could read these books out loud together. Then I chose a few books for the six-year-old, a collection of fairy tales by Hans Christian Anderson and a book of assorted poems. The selections for younger kids was paltry. I bid them a happy and safe journey home. The older girl said that perhaps she can try to read two pages a day. I thought: no, no, no. That's what writers do -- they write two pages a day. I suggested that she read one chapter a day. She agreed. I hope they do ...

Then I turned my attention to the young adult section. Imagine my delight to see Blueboarder books along with the mega-bestselling Twilight series. I read bits and parts of Fate by Jen Barnes; Fairy Tale by Cyn Balog; and The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. I also spotted Dreamdark by Laini Taylor (think pink). I didn't have my camera with me, but I was so happy to see these books in a place where the selection was small. I'm not a paranormal/fantasy type gal, but thoroughly enjoyed the excerpts I read. Perhaps I'll be picking up these titles to read in full.

I used to work at Holland Library -- humanities and fiction -- during my college years at Washington State. I loved that job. I'd browse through intriguing titles while shelving them and thus discovered many, many books that I normally wouldn't have sought out. Some of these I loved, others were so-so. But it's such a gift to be introduced to new authors.

I think I'd love to work at a bookstore as well.


  1. Hi Vijaya!

    As you know, I don't spend a lot of time in the blogosphere but I popped over here for the first time in a while and I love your blog. Sounds like you've been busy with lots of good things this summer -- both personally and professionally. Yay!
