
Monday, September 21, 2009

Cooking and Writing

After a very hectic week and weekend, what with the garden bursting with good stuff, and my students even more productive than me, and the usual sports and church activities, I finally have a chance to breathe and write. My freezer is filling up with zucchini bread, vegetable stews, and salsa.

Alas, my novel is losing weight. I realized during all the cooking (I don't know what the correlation is) that the book would be better told through a single viewpoint instead of the alternating viewpoints I have been using. I'm throwing out almost everything but the first chapter and starting over. So goes novel writing -- many false starts, but when I do hit upon the right one, I know it's right.

The moral of this story? It's good to have lots of food in the freezer. But in a story, more is not always better.

Happy writing, all.

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