
Friday, October 23, 2009

Buck Fever

I'm such a doofus. I've been seeing Cythnia's cover of Dog Gone on the Blueboard for some time, only it's been replaced by Buck Fever. And I was scratching my head over it. Duh! It's her new book. Isn't it gorgeous?

Go check it out here or here or here! She's having a drawing for both her books.

Fishing is the only thing that I can do that's close to hunting. My husband hasn't hunted since he was about twelve, when a failed shot didn't kill the rabbit, but just hurt it.
Congratulations, Cynthia! We can't wait to read it.


  1. The cover IS beautiful!

    I can't hunt, either, but some of my family does. They always eat what they kill (and share with us, too). :)

    I do love to fish, though. SO relaxing to be out on the boat. That's where I ask to go on our anniverary on the lake. My husband loves it, too! :)


  2. Oh, fishing on a lake sounds wonderfully romantic.
