
Friday, October 30, 2009

November Madness

As if Halloween madness isn't enough, thousands of writers participate in National Novel Writing Month. I'm a slow writer. I revise as I go. The thought of writing 50,000 words in a month is paralyzing to me. What if I go in a wrong direction? What if I have to scrap everything? No matter that I scrap plenty even with revisions along the way.

One day I will have to try it using the tips I've gotten from Laini Taylor and Maggie Stiefvater. But until then, hats off to those who accomplish this feat.

My friend, Molly Blaisdell, has an alternative to Nano. It's the Golden Coffee Cup Award. You set your own goals and try to meet them. Molly gives you inspiration to keep you going. Go check it out.

I am shooting for revising the first third of my current novel and sending it out to my fabulous teacher Nancy Butts for a review. That's it.


  1. I like Molly's idea! That may be more along the lines for my focus of NaNoWriMo. You see, I'm doing the DoGoPrayMo' and NaNoWriMo together. You may not be familiar with the first one. DoGoPrayMo'= "Donna's Gonna Pray More". It has to happen during NaNoWriMo or I won't get ANY writing done at all! ;)

    I am not shooting for 50,000 words, I have to be honest. I am shooting to finish a novel I've had on the back burner for a while now. OR I may shoot for as many pbs as possible. Or maybe write at least one poem every day for a poetry collection I'd like to compile.

    I've still got 20 minutes to decide. Right?

    I'm certain Ms. Butts will be impressed with your third novel. Let us know how it goes!



  2. You've got a whole day to decide Donna :)

    All three are good goals. Perhaps you will choose one for Nov, one for Dec. and another for Jan.

    DoGoPrayMo should give you some guidance.

    Good luck and post your goal on Molly's site. She'll fire you up.

    Hugs right back.

  3. It's all good, NaNo and/or Golden Cup. You go girl!
