Last night I made a wicked spicy chicken curry, one my mother would've loved. It's her birthday today and I am thankful that even though she had a short life, she lived long enough to teach me the important things. Not that I always listened to her. Far from it. I mean, I was the kid that got a spanking almost every day for something or the other from the time I turned six until I was twelve. Still, as my good friend Jen Heger puts it, I might not remember the words, but I sure do remember the tune. So I've learned to trust in the Lord, be thankful for what I have, and be more generous. I am more like my mother now than I ever thought I'd be, and I'm sure this must please her immensely. It makes me happy.
I am preparing for Thanksgiving, my favorite American holiday, with its focus on thanks and giving. I have a grateful heart. I am blessed beyond my hopes and dreams. Thank you to all who read these words that I put out in cyberspace. Thank you for reading, for commenting, for writing me privately. I hope you shall all have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family.
This is also the time when I turn more inward -- something about preparing for Christ's arrival does that to me and at heart I'm an Easter gal -- so Advent takes on almost the same quality as Lent.
Finally, my Internet connection has been very spotty these past couple of days, so if you're waiting for a reply, hang in there. Perhaps the Universe is telling me to focus on my novel ...
Adios amigos y amigas. If I don't touch base before the New Year, let me wish you all a most blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas.
We celebrate Lent, also! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christ-centered Christmas. I am thankful to have this cyber-connection with you, my friend.
ReplyDeleteBe blessed!
I love Advent! It's such a beautiful way to prepare for Christmas. As I said before, we celebrate Lent, too, but it's a little bit more somber for me, than Advent. Advent makes me smile...and cry. But it's a good cry! :)
ReplyDeleteAdvent is definitely more joyous, but I still can't help but see what's to come, and why this had to be ...
ReplyDeleteThanks and blessings, Donna.
Lovely post.
ReplyDeleteThe older I get, the more like my mother I become too -- and the more grateful for everything I've had.
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm embarrassed to say that I thought it was last week! (Remind me to get an American calendar.)
Thank you, Mary. Isn't it funny how we do appreciate what our mothers did for us eventually? That's my mantra to my kids -- you'll thank me when you're 30.
ReplyDeleteWhen we lived in Belgium, Thanksgiving was a work-day and I think we prepared turkey drumsticks :)
Mothers are definitely special and you're right about not appreciating them as much as we should when we're growing up. Your mother sounds like a wonderful person, Vijaya.
ReplyDeleteI hope both Thanksgiving and Advent, for all of us, will be a meaningful time and a time for growing even closer to our Lord.
Much love,
Thank you, Ev.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy hearing you remember your mother, it makes me think of the essay that won the contest years ago.
ReplyDeleteI'm wishing you and your family much love and happiness during the holidays and all year long!
Bless your heart, Angela, for remembering the story about my mother. And thank you for all the good wishes.