
Monday, November 16, 2009

Some Good News Finally

One thing I don't like about writing novels is that they consume me too much to work on shorter projects. So, although I do get ideas out of my head by putting them on paper, I don't polish them up for submission.

However, a few months ago, I submitted a piece to Bylines Calendar because I really, really wanted to have a writing calendar filled with stories and anecdotes about writing life. And I just found out that my piece was accepted! Can you guess what it's about from this picture?

Taking naps. Now you know what a lazy bum I truly am.
I should polish more of those short things to send out. I confess that this year I have not made my submission quota of one-a-month. Too much napping?

But ... the novel is taking shape and I am done with the revisions on the first third of my book. It is out in today's mail. So I am happy. I've been moving forward as well, so I have half of the next chapter already done. I hope to get the rest of it done by today.

Tomorrow night, I will go to the University of Washington to speak about magazine writing. I was looking through all my notes and I should practice what I preach.


  1. Love the "practice what you preach!" I think that every time I facilitate my novel workshop. Best of luck with the novel!

  2. I'm sooooo happy for you! YAYAYAYAY!!! Where can I get this calendar??


    p.s. YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!

  3. Nora, I always find that I learn best by teaching. What kinds of novel workshops do you give?

    Donna, if you click on the link for Bylines Calendar, it'll take you there.

    Thank you both for celebrating with me.

  4. Congratulations on the acceptance!

    I've been doing much the same thing, while waiting for word on my ms: I've been rewriting and polishing up the bits I've had sitting around, sending them out -- and waiting. I find this is a more constructive way of waiting than sitting around, angsting about nothing in my inbox.

  5. Thanks, Mary. I tend to submit and then forget about it ... but polishing up pieces while you wait is an excellent strategy.

  6. Look at it as 'research'! LOL

    Great pic by the way!

  7. Thanks Angela. I feel the strong need for a research nap! Hee hee.

    Donna, my wip is at 21K right now, but I don't know how much I'll get written in the next week. Shooting for another thousand words. Correcting lessons takes priority.
