
Monday, April 5, 2010

SCBWI WWA Conference

Not only is Lent over ... but this weekend, our local SCBWI chapter is hosting its annual conference. Check out the details here.

Blueboarders and others who'd like to join us for Sat. evening for dinner, please walk over to the Indian restaurant Mehfil at 7 pm.




  1. LOL! That picture is hysterical. And the menu for Mehfil has me drooling. I'll be on the next flight. :)

  2. HILARIOUS picture!! I wish I could be at the conference. I think it sounds wonderful. I'll be at a women's conference, though, that is going to be amazing! I was able to attend last year's women's conference. The theme centered around God's great love for us...and embracing that truth!

    Hope you have a wonderful week. So glad you are back in the BLogosphere! :)


  3. Have a great time. I hope that you tell us all about your experience.

  4. Thanks, ladies. That's sort of how I feel with the wonderful bloggy world ...

    Donna, a women's conference like that is like spiritual food. So wonderful that you get to go again.

    I will definitely post some useful tidbits from the conference.

  5. LOL! That picture makes me roar! Have a wonderful conference. The timing of it sounds great. :)

  6. Sob. I want to go to a SCBWI one day too! And I definitely want to eat Indian food!
