
Saturday, April 24, 2010


Whew! After being with 400 people at the conference and having company and talking and blogging, it's time again to retreat into silence and finish my book. I found Rachelle Gardner's post on embracing silence very inspiring. It's exactly what I needed to read. I find I write best when I have a quiet place and a quiet mind.

I almost always write in first person to capture the main character's voice. But now that I know the story, I feel hampered by it. I need a bit of distance, a larger perspective, and have switched to third person. What a difference it makes. And so, when I'm not taking care of my family or teaching, I'll be writing. That means being offline even though I enjoy the online writing community so very much. Wish me well. I can finally see the end of this exploratory draft.

I need to tape these two quotes to my computer:

Shut up and write. ~ Natalie Goldberg
Write the damn book. ~ Jane Yolen



  1. I started my WIP in first person, and that lasted for maybe three pages. A switch to third opened it up so much! I so agree with you about silence. I write best with a quiet place, a quiet mind, and ideally no clock.

  2. Marcia, I'm enjoying the freedom as well, but I'm in danger of head-hopping. I'm debating having a couple of chapters from other characters ... This is a first draft, so I have to get through this whichever way I can.

    No clock? Oh, I couldn't do that. Even at night, when everybody is tucked safely in bed, I have to make sure I don't stay up too late.

  3. You can do it!!

    (and those quotes are hilarious!)

  4. Trying my best ... if you see me online, shoo me off :)
