
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Corpus Christi Procession

Today was the feast of Corpus Christi and it's the first time we participated in the procession, just around the block. Oh, if more people would realize what they are being fed at Mass -- the Word of God and the Body and Blood of Christ, they'd come more often. You are what you eat, and I am being slowly transformed week by week by week.

My son took the pictures. I had to remind him to be mindful because we are here to adore our Lord, but I am glad for these pictures.

The cross-bearer leads the way.

The priest is underneath the canopy holding the consecrated Bread (Body of Christ) in the gold monstrance (it means to show, demonstrate, not monster).

Four strong men are needed to hold the canopy. My husband is on the left.

The Grand Knights of Columbus follow right behind.

And the rest of the congregation and choir follow behind. It poured all morning, during Mass, but we had a lull in the rain for our procession! God hears our prayers.



  1. What a gorgeous setting for the procession. I saw the wet pavement and registered that there'd been a lull in the rain even before you mentioned it. God is so loving in both the large and the small!

  2. Marcia, aren't the flowers and little girls pretty? Yes, God is awesome!
