
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Magazine Good News

My story, Surprise Squash, made the cover of Our Little Friend in the June 2005 issue and is going to be reprinted sometime in 2011. And Highlights is considering my fiction contest story for regular purchase ...

I'm writing again, as in productively, on my novel, instead of just free writing. I'm so close to the end and yet so far away. Still haven't made it to the climax ... my main character is discovering something about herself, which I had not planned when I wrote the outline. I'm trying to get out of the way and I am enjoying watching the story unfold in my head. Too bad it gets mangled on paper in the process. But that's what revisions are for.

I've had some extra time on my hands this week so not only have I cleaned house thoroughly, I've spiffed up my blog and cleaned up all the labels. You like?

I can't believe it's almost the end of June. Where is the warm weather? Oh, it's very pleasant, but I want to feel the heat. I want to know it's summer. Thankfully the salmonberries and huckleberries in the woods are loaded ... our usual 40-min walk easily translates to an hour as we stop to pick and eat and pick and eat. It's a great treat after lunch or dinner. But Wind, won't you chase Cloud, so that we can have our Sunshine?



  1. I like! You know, I'm not sure writers can admit this, but my house is right now completely clean too! At the same time that the lawn is freshly cut! Of course, the houseful of company we're expecting next week is a factor... I'd ask "What is this extra time of which you speak?" but I actually have some too because I whirled like a dervish this week to get stuff done.

  2. Oh, and did I say congrats on the writing successes? :)

  3. Thanks, Marcia.

    Isn't it funny how we can manage to find the time when company is coming over?

    I, for one, need a certain amount or order and cleanliness in the house to write ...
