
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Banana Splits and Fireworks

Sharing some pictures from my son's perspective.

Grandma made decadent banana splits nearly every night.

Our dog ran like the wind on the large property.

Why is fire so mesmerizing?

Cars, cars and more cars!

Grandpa sings in a barbershop choir, The An-O-Chords, and this was their old car.

I think this is a P3 -- Sound of Freedom.

It was freezing out on the beach so my daughter and I opted not to go to the fireworks. We cuddled in bed instead.

I hope you're all enjoying your summer. Finally, finally, we have sunshine and I have our clothes and bedsheets and pillowcases flapping in the breeze. A strawberry-rhubarb sauce is simmering that I'll freeze ... to have later this afternoon.


  1. It sounds like you're having an ideal summer!

    We've got strawberries and rhubarb growing in the garden back in Scotland. It makes me cry to think about what the slugs are probably doing to them!

  2. Aw, Mary, isn't anybody else living in your old place and enjoying the garden? I would sure hope so ...

  3. Vijaya,
    Thank you for your publishing of the prayer on aramaic. Perhaps you can help me. I have desire for the prayer written in Jewish Aramaic or Syriac Aramaic. I found this one the link But I am not sure since there are so few word regarding to English. Sorry for maybe stupid comment. Not familiar in Aramaic words and letter. Have desire to learn it to write the prayer as to speek it. Have you any idea where I could get the text with Aramaic letters and maybe even font. thank you in advance. Blessings,

  4. You're welcome, Snow Runner. Alas, I am no expert on Aramaic. I came across this video on the ADW blog and loved it. I hope you are able to find someone to teach you the language. Try the linguistics department at your local college. God bless you.
