
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Follow Your Dreams -- Chautauqua

Yeah, I know, how quickly I break my own promises to not blog ... but this lovely email showed up from Jo Lloyd and I couldn't not share ... because there is an early-bird deadline.

Here is the relevant part:

You may know someone who is hesitating to pursue his or her Chautauqua dream due to finances. The Highlights Foundation offers scholarships and now is the time to find out more.

A lot of children's writers dream of the Highlights Foundation Writers Workshop at Chautauqua. "Next year," they promise themselves. "Next year I'm going to Chautauqua!" Then reality sets in. The drive and talent to support the dream are there, but the finances ... maybe not.

Please encourage your writing friends to stop dreaming and start planning! Scholarships will be considered in two groups. Early applications will be accepted through Dec. 15, 2010. Final scholarship deadline is Feb. 11, 2011.


Jo Lloyd, Program Asst. Highlights Foundation, 814 Court Street, Honesdale PA 18431
Phone: 877-512-8365 (toll free) or 570-251-4557 Fax: 570-2530-0179
Email: Website:

I wrote about my own Chautauqua experience here. I didn't think we could manage it financially or logistically. But I got a full scholarship and some work-for-hire gigs along with savings paid for the airfare. The younger toddler was weaned and my mother-in-law came to help for the whole week. A good time was had by all and it was a gift that is for a lifetime. So apply. And go!

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. Les Brown.


  1. I'll have to check this out. I've always wanted to do it, but never felt I could afford it. You've inspired me.

  2. Loved C. It was the best time. I wanted to move there and live year round.

  3. My sweet friend! Thank you for sharing. I am highly considering going to the big C next year. I need a scholarship to make it possible, though. So I have a few days left to apply for the early bird. I need to pray about this!

  4. Melissa and Donna, I know how you feel. We feel so selfish taking this time for ourselves and our dreams, neglecting our other responsibilities ... not to mention the cost! So pray and discern ... I will also pray for you.

    Molly, some day I hope to go back and teach. I think I need more white on my head first. Working on it :)

  5. That is a FANTASTIC quote. I agree, if someone wants this great experience, they should go for it. It never hurts to apply!

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  6. Boy, I wish... But given our distance from the U.S., I can't imagine this would be possible for me. Still, some day it may -- I'll never say never!

  7. Angela, thanks.

    Mary, never say never is right. Sometime you may be able to combine a trip to the US with C. The year I went, I met women from S. Africa, India, and England, all accomplished writers, but with goals of breaking into the US market and making connections.

  8. Vijaya, thank you for the comment and link to the beautiful post! I wanted to share this with you:
    ...It's something I wrote last year, but I think you might appreciate it.
    I'm so glad you're feeling better! You've been in our prayers often (and I don't know if you've seen any of the other comments on old posts on my blog, but lots of other people have been praying for you, too!)
    Blessed Christmas!

  9. Faith, thank you for that link -- it is just beautiful. Believe me, I can feel myself lifted through all these prayers. Miracles do happen. Even my Dr. cannot explain it.
