
Monday, August 29, 2011

A Photo Journey -- Part One

The empty house ... it was our home for seven wonderful years. But it's time to move on ... Someone else will make this their home and we wish them all the blessings that we've had and more.

The Toyota gets picked up, since we'll all be in the minivan.

My husband, who did the bulk of the driving. Bless his soul.

The kids -- full of excitement and adventure.

This next picture is actually in Yellowstone of the Tower ... that's where we went after the stinky mudpots and geysers ...

On the way to Yellowstone, there was a spectacular thunderstorm.

Finally, we got to Yellowstone. What a gorgeous place, yet it makes me think I'm getting a taste (or stench) of hell. Some of the most fascinating bacteria are found in here -- the Archae. I wrote about these critters in Odyssey and the whole time I was researching them, I wished I were back in the lab, figuring out how their cell membranes withstand such heat, what kinds of pumps they have to live in such inhospitable conditions. Both my son and I felt just a little bit sick after breathing all the sulfurous gases emanating from the earth.

Old Faithful ...

Just one of the many serene valleys in Yellowstone.

After Yellowstone, we crossed two mountain passes. Beautiful and desolate.

We even saw real cowboys in this high desert country in Wyoming.

We saw many bikers on the road ...

Sturgis anyone?

A Photo Journey -- Part Two

My Internet connection is great today, so I thought I'd post some pictures of our journey. It's already getting too long, so I'll post the pictures from the first part of our journey later.

At Mount Rushmore. The man who took our picture gave his big camera to my son to take their picture. He was so pleased. I know one day he'd love to have a digital SLR. Me, I'm happy with the point and shoot.

Two crosses -- a copper one for my daughter and a Black Hills gold one for me. Years ago, my husband had bought a leaf pendant, but I have since lost it.

I have a thing for bridges and tunnels.

One of my daughter's drawings. Not bad for being in a moving vehicle.

The Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD. This state has so many cool places to explore. Next time, we'll come with a camper.

We didn't take any pictures for almost a thousand miles even though we were visiting family and friends. We'd put in a couple of l-o-n-g driving days and were just grateful to not be in our van. I remember how hard it was trying to find a room because of all the motorcycle riders going upto Sturgis for the weekend. Many hotels do not take pets and we had two. One lady made an exception for us in Sioux Falls, SD, and were we relieved to finally crawl into bed close to midnight. The next morning was Sunday, so we went to early morning Mass at the Cathedral. I wish I'd had my camera. Such a gorgeous Church.

Our first visit to Tennessee. So beautiful in these Smokey mountains. We'll be back!

My tired family. We covered 3,000 miles in eight days. Almost there ...

Getting settled in our apartment. The dog ate all the cat food, so now the cat gets to chow down on the kitchen counter. Some of you know that we had to give away our kittens -- we couldn't find temporary accommodations that would accept four pets. It was heart-breaking, but the kittens have a good home.

What a treat to have an outdoor swimming pool where the water is warm, almost like bathwater.

So nice to stroll here after Mass.

The kids are back in school. Don't they look smart in their brand new uniforms? On Weds. there is Mass so the boys wear a tie. This school reminds me of my old Convent school (minus the nuns) with their greater discipline.

I suppose I should get back to working on my novel now, right? It's been over a month since I touched it, and I've run out of excuses.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Welcome to SC

Our Internet connection is very slow, hence my relative quietness online. But I am bursting to share so many things. Patience, patience. I'm trying to cultivate it.

Before we left Redmond (WA), I had joked that a hurricane will surely come once we buy a house, and wash it away, just to test our faith. I DID NOT MEAN IT. I couldn't believe the news when I learned that a hurricane the size of Europe was coming our way. I was so grateful that all we got was high wind and rain and some damage in coastal SC. But now I am praying for the people in the North.

The satellite images are so beautiful, with the swirling mass. And I am reminded we are nothing, absolutely nothing, without God. His power are beauty are wondrous. Here are a couple of pictures that my son took while we took a walk near our apartment Friday night. Rainbows are a promise.

Stay safe, all of you in the path of Irene.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Two Beaches

We celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary yesterday by going to Latin Mass at Stella Maris on Sullivan's Island, SC, taking a walk along the rocks and beaches at Fort Moultrie and then having a fabulous dinner at Station 22. We had our kids with us and my son took this picture, with that amazing suspension bridge in the background (it connects Charleston to Mt. Pleasant).

Coincidentally, the homily was about finding home, how we're all on a journey until we are at eternal rest. But I felt right at home here, esp. at Church. I am so thankful that God opened this door for us, and thankful He gave us the courage to step out in faith and trust as He leads us.

Many of you know that we've been travelling, moving coast to coast. It's been an incredible journey and I hope to post pictures once we are settled. We've been getting the children ready for school and we still need to find long-term housing, so you can imagine the chaos.

Seventeen years ago, we were married on the beach in Oak Harbor, WA. It was a beautiful day, but the water was cold, as it always is on the Pacific NW. We vowed to be together, through thick and thin, and I still marvel that I can love my husband more now than I did 27 years ago. I had no clue back then. God is good.
