
Monday, August 29, 2011

A Photo Journey -- Part Two

My Internet connection is great today, so I thought I'd post some pictures of our journey. It's already getting too long, so I'll post the pictures from the first part of our journey later.

At Mount Rushmore. The man who took our picture gave his big camera to my son to take their picture. He was so pleased. I know one day he'd love to have a digital SLR. Me, I'm happy with the point and shoot.

Two crosses -- a copper one for my daughter and a Black Hills gold one for me. Years ago, my husband had bought a leaf pendant, but I have since lost it.

I have a thing for bridges and tunnels.

One of my daughter's drawings. Not bad for being in a moving vehicle.

The Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD. This state has so many cool places to explore. Next time, we'll come with a camper.

We didn't take any pictures for almost a thousand miles even though we were visiting family and friends. We'd put in a couple of l-o-n-g driving days and were just grateful to not be in our van. I remember how hard it was trying to find a room because of all the motorcycle riders going upto Sturgis for the weekend. Many hotels do not take pets and we had two. One lady made an exception for us in Sioux Falls, SD, and were we relieved to finally crawl into bed close to midnight. The next morning was Sunday, so we went to early morning Mass at the Cathedral. I wish I'd had my camera. Such a gorgeous Church.

Our first visit to Tennessee. So beautiful in these Smokey mountains. We'll be back!

My tired family. We covered 3,000 miles in eight days. Almost there ...

Getting settled in our apartment. The dog ate all the cat food, so now the cat gets to chow down on the kitchen counter. Some of you know that we had to give away our kittens -- we couldn't find temporary accommodations that would accept four pets. It was heart-breaking, but the kittens have a good home.

What a treat to have an outdoor swimming pool where the water is warm, almost like bathwater.

So nice to stroll here after Mass.

The kids are back in school. Don't they look smart in their brand new uniforms? On Weds. there is Mass so the boys wear a tie. This school reminds me of my old Convent school (minus the nuns) with their greater discipline.

I suppose I should get back to working on my novel now, right? It's been over a month since I touched it, and I've run out of excuses.



  1. Great to see this, Vijaya. It brought tears to my eyes. Gosh, I miss you. I love the pic of you and your family in front of the water.

    Hugs, Molly

  2. Great pictures. And my heart melted when I saw the golden retreiver in the van. I had a golden once and she was the best dog ever. (Don't tel the two we have now.)

  3. I absolutely LOVED the photo journey, Vijaya! What fantastic pictures--and I loved seeing your family. Blessings to you all!

  4. Molly, we are happy here and I am thankful to God for everything. You'll have to come visit :)

    Inluv -- the pets did great without a single complaint. Well, the cat did meow a lot in the beginning but she got used to the routine. But it's so nice to be semi-settled.

    Kristi -- thank you. We'll remember this trip for a long time.

  5. Wonderful pictures, Vijaya! Thanks for sharing. And thank you again for including us on your trip. It was such a blessing to get to be with you. Hugs, Ev

  6. We took this trip about 15 years ago with only one infant...I've been daydreaming about going again with my kids at the ages they are now 11 & 15...thanks for giving me a glimpse into my daydreams!!! Glad you are having a great time!

  7. Ev, my dear, thank YOU for your wonderful hospitality. I wish we'd had time to spend the night, sing some songs and visit more.

    Angela, this is definitely a trip to remember. I hope you will get a chance to explore like this with your girls soon, before they're too grown up.
