
Monday, January 30, 2012

Catholic Schools and Mermaid Purses

It's Catholic Schools Week celebration. I am a product of a wonderful convent school education in India and we are so blessed that our children can attend the parish school. They are thriving. I hope that they'll be able to go to a Catholic college too. Must sell books! And may they be best-sellers!

Sometimes dollies ought to join our children at school and Mass, don't you think?

This weekend we went to the beach after our Bible study class (Genesis) and look what we found ... a mermaid's purse! Isn't nature amazing and marvelous? My daughter wants to hatch these shark eggs now, but this purse is drying on our porch along with other pretty shells and claws. You'll be sure we'll be hot-glue-gunning them in various combinations. Over Christmas vacation we made a few photo frames with popsicle sticks, shells and beads. Fun, fun, fun. I thank God every day for bringing us here.

Is this year flying or what? I can't believe January is almost over. Have a great week, all.


  1. I had to google 'Mermaid's Purse' and as usual with you, Vijaya, I learned something interesting.

  2. Oh, a good Catholic college is worth it even if you end up paying back the debt for years--I'm still praying for a bestseller to pay back my own student loans! :) I attended Franciscan University, which didn't offer much financial aid, but my little sister was able to make her own Catholic college education much more affordable by attending Belmont Abbey College in North Carolina, which has many more scholarships available--and they'd be closer to you, too. (But, of course, in my personal opinion, if you DO have a bestseller, check out FUS when the time comes. :)

  3. Mirka, it was an empty egg case ... full of sand :( but then it makes me happy there are little sharks out there, swimming, nipping toes.

    Faith, I've looked at FUS! Did you take any classed by Scott Hahn? He's such an accessible writer. Good to know about BAC since it's closer. I've discovered Ave Maria in FL. Goodness, I'd like to go back to school! Or sit in on some classes. I'm thoroughly enjoying our Genesis class. The wealth in these Books is staggering. Here's to best-selling books and Catholic schools!

  4. I had to google Mermaid's Purse, too! Creation never ceases to amaze me. I'm glad you're enjoying your Bible study of Genesis.


  5. What lovely gifts the sea gives.

    I love that your daughter's doll is wearing the same uniform she is!

  6. The mermaid's purse was a new one one me too. I love being able to find things on the beach, as long as it's not made of plastic!

  7. Amy, I wanted to define mermaid's purse, but it is such an intriguing and delightful description, I didn't want to ruin it. Genesis is amazing.

    Marcia, we got the dolly her outfit this Christmas. We have a couple of clothes like that. And I've been thinking it'd be fun to make a mom/daughter/doll dress all of the same material. Maybe this summer.

    Bish, treasures from the sea are wonderful. I have story ideas swirling with all these found objects. Sadly, we do see plastic though :(
