
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Prayer of St. Aloysius to the Blessed Mother

O holy Mary, my Mistress,
into thy blessed trust and special keeping,
into the bosom of thy tender mercy,
this day, every day of my life
and at the hour of my death,
I commend my soul and my body;
to thee I entrust all my hopes and consolations,
all my trials and miseries,
my life and the end of my life,
that through thy most holy intercession and thy merits,
all my actions may be ordered and disposed
according to thy will and that of thy divine Son.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Mary and Jesus. Years ago, my sister copied it. I wonder if she still has it. I have a large print of this in our bedroom and a holy card with the prayer of St. Aloysius on the back. I use it as a bookmark and have gotten into the habit of praying it daily. It is such a simple and beautiful prayer, and it reminds me why I ask for her intercession -- her merits are great -- so that "Thy will be done." And she will be with me at the hour of my death, to guide me to her Son.


  1. I love that image, too. And I'd never read (or didn't remember, probably) that prayer. Those last few lines are so important.

  2. Thank you for sharing, Vijaya. We non-Catholics don't have that special relationship with Mary, but I can appreciate how beautiful it is for you. Hugs, Ev
