
Friday, May 18, 2012

On Perseverance

To begin is easy; to persevere is sanctity. Let your perseverance not be a blind consequence of the first impulse, the work of inertia: let it be a reflective perseverance. -- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way
Just what I need to read and practice today. I will add it to my new Quotes page.
I've been pulled in myriad different directions for the past couple of weeks, and my brain has been screaming, Noooooo, but some things have to be taken care of NOW. One by one, I'm getting things off my plate, but it's still so full. I will be quite relieved when I can get back to my regular, relaxing schedule and my novel. Rebecca is a little bit indignant at being left high and dry in the middle of the Palouse ... in a car, stuck with her annoying sister, and pontificating father.
I've also been battling a dry cough. Explain how it is possible with all this humidity. I guess it's the AC. I have a humidifier in my bedroom at night to help, but it's not going away. Sigh. The cough is making it hard to practice for Pentecost High Mass. Luckily, we'll have lots of singers (professional ones) so I will not be missed. I think for some, this will be the first time they will be performing a Mozart Mass in the context of an actual Mass. I have to think it will be a fuller experience.
Thanks be to God for everything.


  1. Regular, relaxing schedule -- O how elusive you are! :)

    I so know that feeling of trying to SHOVEL things off your plate so it's a little less full. You know, at the rare times I achieve that, it's almost like the feeling is so weird that I'm looking around wondering what's "wrong," and what I'm overlooking. Which I don't want to be the case.

  2. But Marcia, my regular schedule is relaxing and productive. Balanced. I don't know when it became fashionable to be busy, but I can't stand it. My house is a mess, the piles of papers and stuff just growing.

    Don't even get me thinking about what I might be forgetting. Something, I'm sure. I'll discover it next week ...

  3. Challenges do seem to cluster, don’t they?
    But I would check that cough with an MD. We want you around for a lo-oooo-ng time, not only so you finish writing your novel.

  4. But of course, Mirka ... otherwise they wouldn't be challenges :) I will call the doc Monday. It's going on three weeks now, and I need some relief. Ricolas and ginger tea are not doing the trick. Oh, bother ...

  5. I agree with Mirka--have the cough checked. I used to be pretty laid back about health issues, but watching someone die of lung cancer has made me paranoid about coughs.
    I'm hoping my schedule gets back to normal soon, too--and that my baby's does as well! I've been missing my 6 am writing hour, because she's decided that's her new playtime. :)

  6. Oh, goodness, I remember those days Faith, when the baby is playful at 6 in the morning. They'd drive their cars and trucks over me :) It suited me just fine actually, except when I turned over on a bulldozer ...

    I have an appt. with the Dr. Wed. Of course, now there's a higher chance of the cough disappearing altogether :)

  7. I hope you get over that cough soon. Coughs (especially the dry ones) can be so exhausting.

    Praying health and relaxation to you!
