Below are the fox squirrel and the regular squirrel. The fox squirrels are much bolder, waiting until the last minute to dash off. But they are very, very curious and won't go far.
Our dog would love to catch them! She did one once, when we were living in WA, and I had to make her drop the poor thing, who scampered away unharmed.
The hamsters are fun to watch, on their wheel (they're a blur when I take a picture, they run so fast). Here's one, in his food bowl, stuffing his cheeks with seeds. We've been training them to like our hands, but they are not very sociable. I'll be glad when I can hand-feed them and give them a kiss. I know, I know, there are dog lovers, cat lovers, and apparently, I'm a rodent lover as well. What can I do? My husband claims that my first cat got more kisses than he ever did ... and I think it might be true.
And below, the queen of the house! She keeps watch over everything, and there's a lot going on with all the critters.
I've not been able to get a good picture of the little green and brown lizards, but I hope soon. They are lovely, especially when they puff out their red throats.
Thank you for all your prayers and kindness throughout my difficult periods. You give me much comfort, as do these furry critters. Somehow they know.+
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the notion of alligators being *cute.* But the rest of your band of supporters are cute and lovely.
ReplyDeleteI love that picture of the "queeen of the house." She does look very majestic!
ReplyDeleteI think it's funny that you describe the alligators as cute. I would be terrified of them.
Our dog (a Portuguese podengo) has caught several squirrels. I feel so sad for them.
Love the pudgy little hamster. So cute! Glad these critters are around to bring you joy and comfort!
Ok, I kind of get the alligators being cute...though in a rather terrifying way. :) But the stripes are pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling better today; know that my prayers are still being offered for you.
I hope you can get a lizard picture some time. I love little lizards. :)
ReplyDeletePraying for you, Vijaya! <3
Aw, you folks, the baby alligators are cute, even their grinning faces and thoughts of taking a bite out of you ... the adults are downright scary. We've seen a turtle atop an alligator, going for a ride. Did not have my camera then, but it is a funny sight.
ReplyDeleteYup, it's nice to have cuddly and furry critters that we can hold.
Thank you all for the good wishes and prayers.