
Monday, July 30, 2012


Image taken from this cafepress site. There are other posters as well.

I don't prowl around the internet looking for insults, but somehow I came across Shakespearean insults and I am hooked.

You can be insulted here and even generate your own insults.

I must use a couple of these in my manuscript and I think I know just the place for them.



  1. :) You know how I love Shakespeare!
    As I'm working on editing my historical fiction novel (I finished the draft!!), I love immersing myself in the Bard's so-clever-and-creative ways of turning a phrase. It reminds me that I should worry less about finding the exact historically accurate phrase, and more about what the individual characters might invent themselves...
    Hmmm...lots to think about.
    Happy Monday!

  2. Thou villainous onion-eyed maggot-pie. Can you tell? I've had the insulter on my favorites for a while.

    The kit is new, love it!

  3. I'm going to see a Midsummer's Night Dream onFriday. Great stuff here! M.

  4. What fun! Thanks for the link, I'm definitely going to check this out!

  5. Hi Vijaya!
    I just tried to send you an email to update you about the messages that we had been sending on VK. (Guess I don't have enough posts for messages... though we were messaging before.)
    Anyway, the email bounced. Do you have a new email? My email is anna at annamlewis dot com if you want to send me yours.
    All best, Anna

  6. Faith, I knew you'd love this, you who speak elvish! Oooh, I adore invented words, and moreso if they become part of our lexicon.

    Bish, maggot-pie is the first one I wanted to use! Gee, do great minds think alike or what?

    Molly, I need to see some live Shakespeare. I did not care for him in high school, but I should give it a good try now that I'm all grown up, and a writer! I think I've been missing out.

    Anna, I sent you a message. Hope all is well. I'm usually not in high demand or anything ...

    Ruth, I hope he will inspire you.

  7. Thanks!
    (I didn't get an email. Did you put the "m" in the middle?)

  8. What fun! Is it wrong that I want to find opportunities to use some of these?! ;)

  9. Anna, I'm so glad we got connected.

    Ruth, why you should be ashamed of yourself, you ... you ... you wayward idle-headed harpy :)
