
Monday, November 5, 2012

A Pilgrimage

We made our first pilgrimage -- a whirlwind trip to Florida this weekend -- to attend a healing Mass (from generational sins). The healing prayers were said during Adoration. We're talking spiritual warfare folks. I am so very grateful for Fr. Jose's healing ministry. We will go again. I would love to have complete healing from the migraines. Ironically, I have one now. Sigh.

I hope our family can make many more pilgrimages. The journey itself changes you because it is intentional. Have any of you made a pilgrimage -- to Fatima, Lourdes, Rome, Jerusalem? I'd appreciate if you share in the comments.

Sunday, we went to St. Augustine and visited the shrine of Our Lady La Leche. We prayed for ourselves and our friends who long to have another child again. What a beautiful and peaceful place.

You can imagine the Holy Sacrifice of Mass offered at this rustic altar by the Spanish missionaries. Actually, the first Mass ever offered in the US was in St. Augustine in 1565 AD. There are many beautiful religious icons and statues to lift your heart heavenwards. We all enjoyed walking and praying here. Yes, our dog came along too! 

Most of the people buried here had headstones from the 1800s -- we said prayers for the dead, for the holy souls in purgatory. I didn't know this until recently, but Catholic teaching tells us that our offerings can help souls fly to heaven. Here is a quick explanation.


Remember to vote tomorrow! Many Christians are split on the issue of pro-life/family vs. social justice. They tend to equate pro-life issues with the Republican party and social justice with the Democratic party. But folks, defending life is right and just. There can be no health care, no education, and no jobs for the dead. Death ought not to the be the cure for our social problems. It shows a lack of trust in God's providence. Unfortunately, the Democratic party has aligned itself with the culture of death. It is immoral. The Republican party is far from perfect, but cutting taxes and letting charity return to the local level is the best way for this country to recover economically. Amercians are the most generous people I know, giving of their time, treasure and talent to those in need. Let the government take a role in protecting the voiceless and vulnerable in our society -- the unborn and the old. So, please, folks. Vote with your conscience, a conscience formed by God's laws. Choose life.

Vote Romeny/Ryan 2012!!!

Mary, Queen of Peace, Empress and Protectress of the Americas, pray for us.


  1. Beautiful acts in a beautiful place.

  2. How beautiful! I'm so pleased the pilgrimage went well, that you arrived safely and were able to fill out the trip with other lovely visits. I just taught Lucy about the founding of St. Augustine...some rather gruesome details in that story, but still fascinating! I'd love to go there someday.
    We finally have power back here! I've been reading through all your past posts and enjoying the inspiration and updates. :)

  3. Oh I think I know what shrine that is. I've seen it. St. Augustine is a lovely city. What great pictures.

  4. Mirka, it is great joy to pray amidst so much beauty.

    Faith, I am glad you have power again. Oh, these Spanish missionaries suffered greatly. But what a heritage!

    Christina, St. Augustine also has a Ripley museum. That's for next time.

  5. I'm pretty sure the Lady of La Leche is where La Leche League got its name. Beautiful photos.

  6. Thanks Marcia. And I thought LLL was just being fancy!

  7. I'm sorry you weren't healed completely, Vijaya, but I'm glad the trip and pilgrimage was a good one. What a gorgeous place!

