We fell in love with the traditional Latin Mass. The prayers are so exquisite, and beauty in all its forms draws me nearer to our blessed Lord. It took me about a year to get used to the Latin (singing in the choir really helps, and it always surprises me that I can understand some of it -- we always have a translation). I realize that even if I do not understand particular words, the mystery of faith remains. Perhaps it even draws me deeper into it because I'm not trying to use my limited human mind. I can't quite explain it. It's a paradox that my understanding is greater with a language I do not know.
Of course, many days you'll catch me singing the Gloria in Latin, so some of it is seeping into my brain cells.
Laudamus te is the Latin equivalent of the Magnificat or Word Among Us. Daily readings. So just like I do both sets of Sunday readings, I am looking forward to doing my daily prayers using both the Novos Ordo and the TLM. I like them both for different reasons.
With the Novos Ordo, I read more of the Old Testament. But the TLM is on a single year cycle which somehow suits my seasonal nature. I don't have to think about Year A,B,C -- there is a sameness that is comforting week to week.
Anyway, I'm so excited, and I hope my first issue arrives before Advent. If you know someone who loves the TLM, perhaps you can pass on the news of Laudamus Te.
Okay, I know most of you have turkey on your minds, but do think about it after your pie.
I attended a Latin mass once, the Midnight Mass of Christmas, in one of the few traditional catholic churches left. I can attest to its beauty and majesty.
ReplyDeleteJews and Muslims the world over can pray together as the orthodox branches of their religions stayed with scriptural language. Catholics lost this after the second Vatican council. The Latin Mass meant that the prayer service was indeed universal.
I hope you don’t mind my chiming in like this, as an “outsider.” I respect and admire your family’s spiritual path.
Mirka, outsider? Perish the thought. We are all children of God. I welcome your thoughts. I've attended Jewish, Hindu, and Muslim prayer services, and they all employ sacred language! One of my observations is that they have survived because the people cling to their traditions. I believe nothing will prevail against the church -- there is always a faithful remnant.
ReplyDeleteI agree that something was lost at VCII given the decline of the consecrated and faithful, but I'm not sure whether it's correct to make that correlation. Cultural forces were also at work.
The church is guided by the Holy Spirit, so I can only believe that it was for the greater good. Perhaps you won't be surprised to know that in the west, many priests are actually from foreign lands ... so we are being re-evangelized.