If ever I
was in favor of death penalty, this case would be it. But my faith doesn’t
allow me to do this. We cannot take someone’s life. No matter how evil. It’s in
God’s hands. Let Gosnell live out his life in prison, where he can hopefully come to realize the gravity of
what he has done. Just maybe, he will repent and ask for mercy.
Of course, each and every one of us is culpable, because without our collective madness, we wouldn't have gone down the slippery slope of death as a solution to social problems. We can climb out of this pit by strengthening the family, practicing charity, but first and foremost, recognizing evil for what it is.
Innocents, pray for us.Of course, each and every one of us is culpable, because without our collective madness, we wouldn't have gone down the slippery slope of death as a solution to social problems. We can climb out of this pit by strengthening the family, practicing charity, but first and foremost, recognizing evil for what it is.
St. Michael, pray for us.
Mary, pray
for us.
Domine, miserere nobis.
Edited to add: Torture inflicted by Gosnell a perfect picture of abortion in America
Domine, miserere nobis.
Edited to add: Torture inflicted by Gosnell a perfect picture of abortion in America
I believe a woman has the right to choose, but having said this, the man sounds like a serial killer. They take souvenirs too.
ReplyDeleteThe idea that a woman has a right to kill her baby is what allows the abortion industry to flourish.
ReplyDeleteThis is a direct result of where the country's moral values are headed. There used to be a time when sex was accepted only in marriage just like the Bible tells us. Now even marriage doesn't mean the same anymore. Our society has become a selfish "me" society and "our" needs override everything else in life doesn't matter which innocent soul is killed along the way, all under the name of women's right. The evils of what abortion does to the woman or the child never makes it to the front page of any major newspaper. I checked to see if Gosnell's Trial made headlines on any major newspapers and they didn't. It shows what's important in this society and apparently an unborn child has no voice. Like our beloved Pope John Paul II said - a nation that kills its children has no future. Women, wake up and stop making your womb a war zone. We were given this beautiful gift to bring life into this world. Keep it safe for our babies. If we don't fight for the life of our babies who will? God have mercy on us.
ReplyDeleteSuman, the coverage has been scant in the national news because it must prick at our collective consciences ... but this trial brings to light the seeds we've sown, that of denying the most vulnerable their right to live. We need to wake up.