If I have spoken too much about the ugliness of this world, forgive me. My mind continues to be lifted towards God, Who is all good and beautiful.
We've been praying a novena to the Holy Spirit in preparation for Pentecost. My daughter accidentally said, "Spiritual unicorn" instead of "unction" and so now and forever more I doubt I shall ever be able to say the original phrase without imagining a little white unicorn anointing me. Ah, kids.
I don't think I ever shared that last year we sang the Missa Brevis K140 by Mozart along with the Westminster choir for Pentecost. The soloists were magnificent, and for many it was the first time to sing the Mass in the context it was written, not just as a concert piece.
Here's a taste of the Gloria. Lovely, no? It takes about four minutes, and even if you don't understand Latin, you can still make out the words.
Contrast this to the Gloria in Little Organ Mass by Haydn. It's ... FAST! Same words, but sung in a minute. I learned that the king who commissioned this Mass to be written hated long Masses, so Hadyn wrote the music so that each choral part takes one piece of the Gloria and we sing them in parallel. Except for the Amens at the end, we're all singing different words :)
We'll be singing the Haydn for Trinity Sunday (see a picture of the Trinity made imaginable by Guido Reni). Again, the Westminster choir will join us -- they're coming down here for Spoleto and we are so thankful they want to sing with us.
I'm thankful to be here, for our wonderful priests who offer Latin Mass, and for our musical directors who are happy to work with amateurs. If you're in the Charleston area, come to Stella Maris Catholic Church on Sullivan's Island for a taste of the beautiful and sublime.
I'm sure you guys will sound amazing!
ReplyDeleteI agree. Music can really effect me as a person before I even begin my day. I'm also heavily influenced by the music that I listen to when I write.
ReplyDeleteThanks Leandra. We had a good practice today :)
ReplyDeleteChristina, music is powerful. I can't listen to any when I write though ... I get too absorbed in it if I love it, and anything else is an annoyance. LOL.
I wish I could come there! I've missed being part of a choir since having babies...I look forward to the day when we can join again together--just have to keep my voice in shape until then!
ReplyDeleteFaith, I know how you feel. A season for everything. We have a pediatrician with two little ones who sings, but her husband is able to mind the children. Another who has three little ones (a year younger than yours) who would love to sing, but even with lots of family support, it's just too hard right now. Keep singing at home, Faith ...