I thought I'd died and gone to heaven, so beautiful was the liturgy for both ordination (photo gallery at the Catholic Miscellany) and first Solemn High Mass of Fr. Renaurd West. Beautiful Gregorian chant and Monteverdi polyphonic music, with all the smells and bells. I have always loved incense and the first time I was at a High Mass, it was the incense that evoked memories of long ago of a cathedral in India.
Even though these Masses were crowded, I did not have that usual sense of wanting to get away from everybody. I've noticed that since we were received into the Church, I am becoming more and more comfortable being with people I do not know. I see them all as children of God. Even the ones who annoy me. This is a great transformation, and must be a gift from the Holy Spirit. Of course, my natural inclination is still to be alone, but I do find myself enjoying fellowship with others. I am looking forward to a quiet and restful Sunday, and Mass, of course.
My friend, Marcia Hoehne, a terrific writer with an analytical brain, developed recovery times for introverts. How do my fellow-introverts cope with large crowds, speaking engagements, etc.?
Well, V, I almost spit tea on the keyboard when I saw my name. :) I agree that seeing them all as children of God is very much a help in coping with crowds.
ReplyDeleteWell, you do bring a slice of heaven to my world, my friend :)
ReplyDeleteI remember that post of Marcia's! It was pretty classic. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm intensely introverted, but crowds at church have never bothered me...or, rather, they rarely bother me. I always thought it was because I was brought up on it, but now that I consider the matter, I realize I was also brought up on big family gatherings (I have over 50 first cousins) and homeschool group events and similar things--all of which would make me get queasy after too much interaction. I guess there's just something wonderful (in the most literal meaning of the word) in being united with those around you in common faith and (often quiet) worship, without any pressure on yourself to perform or entertain. (Even singing in choir is so obviously for God and not for an audience, that it's not stressful.)