
Monday, June 3, 2013

Sharing Our Hope ... Pictures First

I have returned (a day later than expected) from a Highlights Foundation Workshop led by Paula Morrow and Kristi Holl on Sharing Our Hope: Writing for Religious and Inspirational Markets. I have a great deal to process, laundry to catch up on, and get used to the new computer that my husband and children set up in my absence. I'm a sour grape, only loving new technology once I get used to it.

So, for now, let me just share a few pictures with you ... this place is a writer's paradise. Everyone there, from the woman who was dusting the windows, to the wonderful chefs, the drivers, the office personnel who take care of the logistics, do their work efficiently and with joy, so that you can really focus on relaxing and rejuvenating yourself. I needed this on so many levels and although I did not work on my novel revisions much, save to make some notes, I followed my muse ... I worked on some picture books, read the books available in our cabins (rustic but with all the modern conveniences!), and wrote in my journal. I had such a good time and if it weren't for my family, I wouldn't want to leave.



We were a small group, ideal really, because we got to know each other, and we're praying for one another, so that by the grace of God, our writing dreams and goals might sprout like these cheerful johnny jump-ups.
Stay tuned for more ...


  1. Yay! Love the pictures and the flowers.

  2. I am so jealous! (but in a really happy way because you rock and I'm so glad you got to go!) :) :)

    Great pictures!

  3. I'm so excited to see your pictures and read your happy words. I am going to Honesdale at the end of this month for the Writing for the Educational Market. I hope to learn and grow as a writer!

  4. So jealous in the most friendly of ways. :) I'm really glad you had the chance to go, and can't wait to hear more about it!

  5. I love that last picture! The pansies (or whatever they are) seem to be escaping from their planter and spreading, like some rebel force.

  6. What a dreamy gathering. Small groups like this are the most enjoyable, IMO.
    And Vijaya, I'm just like you when it comes to IT upgrades. The ones DH installs, and the ones the industry forces on us. It's like having someone invade your (virtual) office.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing and celebrating with me. Know that we prayed for all those who couldn't be with us, and who long to.

    Audrey, you will meet Sara at this workshop (led by Paula and Jan).

    David, I love johnny-jump-ups. You can plant a few, but they spread and grow even in the most hostile places. Love of Christ is like that too; you simply cannot contain it.

    Mirka, so glad to know there's another person who just hates all the computer updates! LOL. I'm always grateful later (after some amount of grinding and gnashing of teeth).
