
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Let Freedom Ring!!!

My son took these beautiful pictures Wed night on Daniel Island. The police had blocked off our usual shortcut across the marsh so we barely made it in time to watch these fireworks.

Thu, we spent the day at the beach, playing in the surf and sand. I can't say enough for this kind of carefree playtime. Went to Mass in the evening. We had debated where to go to watch fireworks, but a fellow parishioner who lives on Sullivan's island invited us to watch them from his home. We spent the evening on his dock, enjoying the beauty of this place and the good company. An unexpected gift.

I hope you all had a beautiful and safe Fourth celebrating our country's independence and our God-given rights -- to life, to liberty, and to the pursuit of happiness. God bless America.


  1. Wow! Nice fireworks, nice photos!

  2. Great pics, I especially like the first one!

  3. It's pretty hard to get good photos of fireworks--these are very nice. :)
    I'm glad you had a nice 4th!

  4. Thanks ladies. My son says, those long exposure times make a big difference. We have a tripod, which makes it easier, but that kid has a good eye :)

  5. Wow, your son got some great shots! Thanks for sharing them. The fog rolled in and ruined our display this year =(
