I've been sick much of last week, the pain of the migraines uncontrollable, taking me into the pit of despair. I called upon all my prayer warriors to lift me up to Christ, and finally I was able to ask for mercy, for healing, for pity. I could offer up this suffering for my children. I couldn't feel the loving presence of Christ; it is only my faith that tells me I am not alone. So I couldn't wait to go to Sunday Mass. I would receive My Lord. Real, tangible, in my mouth.
I was so choked up that I could not sing this entrance hymn. It is one of my favorites and I can tell you that I wouldn't be here today if the good Lord Jesus weren't thinking on me. Here is full text.
The Introit (Ps. 54:2) made me weep too: "When I cried to the Lord He heard my voice ... Hear O God, my prayer, and despise not my supplication; be attentive to me and hear me."
As I recited the Kyrie and Gloria, I was able to ask for mercy and give thanks and be attentive to the Word, knowing I was being cradled in His arms. The parable of the Pharisee and the publican (Luke 18:9-14) allowed me to prepare myself for the Sacrament of Healing I was to receive later.
This sacrament is powerful. Three years ago, after being anointed, the frequency of migraines was reduced by half. That's more than any medication I've ever used. My neurologist was quite surprised. I have more faith now in the Divine Physician than I do in Tylenol or Maxalt. I do not understand why I do not receive complete healing, but I will be persistent in my prayer to be healed. I am already much, much better, thanks be to God.
Is it a wonder I thought that Sunday's Mass, including the hymns were written especially for me? That was Jesus, talking to me, coming down to me, raising me up.
Per crucem ad lucem.
I ache when I read about your migraines. I'm sure you have looked with a scientist's mind for a pattern, a trigger, a cause, a solution. I hope your prayers are answered.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry about the migraines, Vijaya. I'm sorry you are going through this, and yet I'm glad for your faith as you face these days.
ReplyDeleteI was praying for you during much of Sunday's Mass... figured I could be like Abraham and try to dicker a little. ;) That reading always makes me laugh a little at Abraham's insistent humanity--but how powerful it is when we think of God's never-ending patience and gentleness with us. It's a comfort to know he WANTS us to pray.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you're struggling, Vijaya. You shared your faith in a beautiful way. Loved the hymn. I'll be praying for you.
ReplyDeleteThank you all so much. Your persistent prayers mean so much to me. Funny how the Novus Ordo and TLM readings both were perfect for the state I was in.
ReplyDeleteI'm late reading this post: I hope the migraines have eased up.