
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wedding Anniversary

Photo by Fr. Fitzgerald
My husband and I woke up earlier than usual, leaving the children in bed still, and went off to an early morning Mass to celebrate our wedding anniversary. It is also the Feast of Maximilian Kolbe, the Catholic priest who gave up his life to save the life of a young husband and father in Auschwitz. Our firstborn is named Max, and it is fitting, even though we didn't know all this 19 years ago.

We knew nothing. Except for making a lifelong commitment, there was nothing different in the way we lived before and after marriage. It is only when we stopped using contraceptives and I became a mother, that I finally *felt* married. Natural law is the law of God, and it is stamped onto our hearts!!! The Church rightly calls marriage 'Holy Matrimony' -- holy because it is set apart, matrimony, because it is the state of being open to motherhood. But I digress. During my pregnancy, I went to the courthouse to get my name legally changed. I belonged to my husband and the child I was carrying and to my future children. And eventually, I would know I belonged to Jesus too.

And the children! What blessings!! It is through them that we discovered our utter dependence on God. How in the world do you raise children without supernatural help? I do not know ...

So I thank God. Despite the unholy start between my husband and I 29 years ago, He managed to work on us. He never gave up on us. He poured down His grace on us even though we are undeserving. We are all works-in-progress and we are living witnesses that no matter where you are at, you can turn away from sin. God is always ready to forgive. There is nothing that you can do that will make Him stop loving you. Nothing. Listen to Christ is Risen by Matt Maher. It should bring you great hope.

I am so thankful for my husband who is becoming a man after Jesus' own Heart, and for my children who led us to Christ and His Church. I love that Holy Matrimony reflects the relationship between Christ and His Bride, the Church. Is it any wonder that we wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary by first going Mass and thanking Him for everything?

Today, the priest blessed us and prayed over us in front of the beautiful statue of Mary. Please say a prayer for all married couples and families, that they be strengthened in their love and commitment to one another and to God. In this country, families are falling apart, and we need to pray, pray, pray to restore the family, the unit of society. Even Jesus came into this world in the context of a family.

Tomorrow is the Feast of the Assumption. It should give us all hope that just like Mary, we too will be rewarded with heaven when we say "yes" to God.

Here's a picture of us Max took of us at dusk before the July 4th fireworks. Happy!


  1. Happy (and blessed) anniversary, you two! You're an inspiring couple.

  2. Happy Anniversary! It was great seeing you all last night. May God continue to bless your marriage.

  3. Happy anniversary!

    I still remember your wedding day on Whidbey Island. We were running early on the drive up and so stopped to kill time in Laconner and came across a dahlia farm there.

    The beautiful day, wedding and flowers became the basis for our second daughter's name.

  4. Happy Anniversary to you both. What a beautiful couple.
    Religious marriage holds high ideals, none more than a Catholic marriage which is not to be undone. I'm happy for you both, that you grew together.

  5. Thank you all so much.

    And David, it's so wonderful to have this memory together and to know of Dahlia's namesake. There was a little dahlia farm on the way home to the Bodach house.

    Mirka, in every culture I know of, marriage is meant to be indissoluble. I think no fault divorce was the worst thing that happened in our culture ... it destroyed the family.

  6. Beautiful. And you guys are so cute. :)

  7. What a fine couple you make! May God bless you with many more years together!
