
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Weekly Dose of Chesterton

On my lunch break today, I discovered a gem of a blog: 
Consider this little poem -- isn't it a delight?

This is the sort of book we like
(For you and I are very small),
With pictures stuck in anyhow,
And hardly any words at all.
You will not understand a word
Of all the words, including mine;
Never you trouble; you can see,
And all directness is divine —
Stand up and keep your childishness:
Read all the pedants’ screeds and strictures;
But don’t believe in anything
That can’t be told in coloured pictures.

But the deadlines are pressing down around me, so I must write instead of read, even as my cat paws me to pet her (I do think cats are an essential writer's companion). Why yes, I'm typing with just one hand ...

A few days ago I also learned that a bishop is opening a case for the sainthood of Gilbert K. Chesterton. This is beyond cool ... I've already begun asking him to pray for my writing endeavors. As I do JPII and Teresa de Avila.


  1. G. K. Chesterton is definitely a hero of mine, and I was pretty excited to hear that his cause is being brought up. His essays are wonderful (I have a great collection called "Brave New Family" that you would love), but his fiction is equally well-crafted. Have you read the Father Brown mysteries? They might be good to squeeze in little bits between your deadlines. :)

  2. Chesterton was an articulate voice of Catholicism. But I never saw this poem, which is poignant and pertinent.

  3. That is a gem of a poem. And the kitty picture seems to speak of what summer is about.

  4. Faith, I will have to pick up Brave New Family. Max read all the Father Brown mysteries, and I have enjoyed a few. I love his wit and wisdom.

    Mirka, he spoke the truth with great clarity.

    Marcia, you would enjoy his essays too. That picture reminds me of the mayhem indoors with Lewey ... while kitty and I sat out on the porch.

  5. Lovely poem, Vijaya! Your sweet kitty is lovely, too! = )
