
Monday, September 9, 2013

Surprise Mail

I've had quite a bit of writing inspiration from daily chores, including laundry. I know many women who bemoan having to do the wash, but since I have a washing machine, it is no trouble at all. I try to do one load a day and now that I have a clothesline, I hang them up ...
As a stay-at-home mom, I've tried to do the household work with my children. They loved sorting through socks, and this little poem was the result. Ladybug published it first in Dec. 2005. Those Ladybug readers are now reading Spider or Cricket, but I am delighted that a new batch of kids gets to have fun matching socks. There's also a matching game your children can play online. But, psst, it's better for them to do the real thing ... life skills and all, you know! 

I love this illustration by the amazing and multi-talented Laini Taylor ... and I think there's only one Laini Taylor. Pink-haired, fresh, funny, and a superb writer. I've listened to her speak about writing and I have especially enjoyed her posts about the writing process. Thanks Laini, for adding dromedaries to a simple poem. And thank you, Ladybug, for reprinting the poem.

This little package certainly brightened my day!


  1. HI Vijaya! How awesome that this is your poem! Clementine's copy of Ladybug came the other day, and we were wide-eyed to see it in there :-)

  2. That must be a great feeling to see something you have written have such staying power!

  3. As a daily laundress I can attest that a good day is one where all the socks find their mates.
    And I so agree this is the sort of illustration that adds a dimension to the words only a great illustrator could.

  4. How wonderful, Vijaya! And the illustration is gorgeous, Laini!

    P.S. If the kids enjoy finding socks, Vijaya, send them on a mission of mercy to my house!

  5. Laini, how lovely for Clementine to have a mother like you.

    Gary, the thrill of seeing simple words magnificently illustrated never goes away.

    Mirka, I'm always impressed with the layers illustrator bring to a story.

    Amy, you still have little ones at home and I imagine you have much laundry to do every day, so perhaps it can be their "job." Alas, mine are too grown up to match socks anymore. They think mismatched socks are even cooler.

  6. It's great to see this on the page. :)

  7. Love the camels. Cute. Love the voice of your poem.
