
Monday, November 25, 2013

The Periodic Table in Song

I can impress kindergartners with my ability to sing the alphabet backwards, but I just found something that I really must master: The Periodic Table. Check it out!

Years ago, I bought a tape of biochemical cycles ... it's in a box somewhere, but I've never forgotten them. Tell me, have you ever memorized a bunch of difficult stuff to songs? Do share!


  1. DS had them down pat, without singing...
    Have you heard Tom Lehrer singing these?
    And there's Daniel Radcliffe doing the Lehrer version-

  2. Yes! I love teaching with songs! I learned the books of the bible when I was ten, and I can still recite them, with or without the song.

  3. Mirka, thanks for those links! Tom Lehrer is great and Daniel Radcliffe does a fine job! It's funny how some of these things stick.

    That's very cool Amber. My daughter knows all the books of the Bible by heart, and she memorized Pi to 25 or 30 places (I can't remember). I think she could've gone a lot farther had she put a tune to it.

  4. What fun! At the moment I can't think of anything I learned by song. But I still remember poems I had memorize when I was 7/8/9 years old!

  5. Bish, those childhood poems are stuck solid in our brains! Loved your turkey e-card :)
