
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Advent Cat and a Christmas Story

Good thing the candles weren't lit. As you can see, our cat isn't the brightest. When she was a kitten we had to protect her from candles. She's only had a few singed whiskers in all of her 15 years ... whew!  They say curiosity killed the cat. But I say satisfaction revived her :) 

It's Gaudete Sunday! Rejoice!! Sing!!! When we did an in-depth study of Genesis, one thing kept coming to the forefront -- the hope of the Promised Child. The Incarnation is foretold; Christ is in the narrative thread from the beginning! Here is just one prophecy from Isaiah 61:1: The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly, to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners. Jesus, reading this in the synagogue says (Luke 4:21), Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.

How bold, how blasphemous. As C.S. Lewis points out in Mere ChristianityEither this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. Like Lewis, I believe, not just with faith, but with all the reason and intellect that's been granted me. Like St. Augustine, my soul will not rest until it rests in Him, for as the Baltimore Catechism says: God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in the next. So simple, so elegant, and so very true.  
And so I am pleased to share that a Christmas story that I wrote ten years ago has finally been published in the Dec. issue of Guide magazine!!! It's a story about the providential love of God. Someday I hope to make a small collection of stories growing up in India, not just for my children but for the general public.


  1. What a pumpkin your feline is. One of our three is also, unremittingly, into everything. The curious are the happiest.

    I love Mere Christianity, taken from C.S. Lewis' WWII radio talks. It helped me understand Christian theology better than other books.

  2. The Advent Cat cracks me up. And I JUST heard that CS Lewis quote. (Love Lewis!)

    Hooray for your story!

  3. I am giggling about your kitty--so cute and yet nerve-wracking at the same time. I hope he can keep himself away from the pretty flames! :)
    CONGRATULATIONS on your story! I think your idea of a collection of stories about growing up in India is an excellent idea. Maybe something to work on now that your revision is finished...?
    Happy and Blessed Gaudete Sunday!

  4. I mean... she and herself--somehow I missed on the first read that Kitty is a girl. :)

  5. Dear Vijaya,
    I am very excited about the publication of your story. How exciting. Poor cat that got a little too close for comfort to the candles. Ouch!

    Celebrate you. I'd love to hear the stories about your growing up in India.

  6. Love the cat. I understand about cats with dangerous habits.

    Congrats on the story! Fantastic.

  7. Thank you ladies.

    Molly, that cat has made my heart go thump far too often, but I suspect she'll live a very long life.

    Mirka and Rose, CSL has unpacked so much me.

    Faith and Joan, I've got my head buried in young NF right now, but this gives me the motivation to polish those vignettes set in India.

  8. Cute kitty. Yeah, their judgment may be off at times...

    Love that you shared the pages from the story.

    And I love the CS Lewis quote. He had it exactly right.

  9. Yes, I think you should write that collection of stories. Congratulations on the publication! It looks wonderful. And all your quotes resonate with me. I also love CS Lewis. I'm so thankful for this beautiful season and all it means.

    ... And your kitty looks like a cat we used to have in Hong Kong. My sister rescued her and, because of that, my sister was the only one this cat ever loved! I hope your kitty stays safe from the flames. ha ha! Poor baby.

  10. Marcia, so wonderful to have kindred spirits who can appreciate both a crazy cat and Lewis.

    Amy, thanks for the encouragement. Such a great story about your sister. I've only had one lover-boy kitty and I still miss him. As it is, every cat owns me ...
