
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Highlights Fiction Contest and Foundation Workshops

Are any of you working on the Highlights Fiction Contest? The theme is holiday stories. Deadline is at the end of Jan. Note the prize: $1,000 or tuition to one of their workshops! I can't say enough good things about the folks at Highlights -- great vision, dedicated people, beautiful location. I've been very blessed to have the opportunity to nurture my writer-self once in Chautauqua and once at Boyds Mills. Intrigued? Good! Sharpen those pencils, flex those wrists and get writing! Here's a message from Kent Brown:

Make 2014 a turning point in your creative life. Join us as we celebrate thirty years of serving writers and illustrators and choose from programs have never been livelier. Whatever your genre, whatever stage in your career, we have a wide variety of workshops designed to help you meet your creative goals.

This year, our stellar faculty includes Chris Crutcher, Jerry and Eileen Spinelli, Linda Sue Park, Patricia Lee Gauch, Pat Cummings, Joy Cowley, Donna Jo Napoli, Paul Zelinsky, and many others.

Our workshops and retreats take place in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. We conduct them in our rustic-looking conference center known as The Barn. You'll not only listen to famous authors and illustrators, you'll have the opportunity to meet, mingle, and sit down to farm-style meals with them. Plus, you'll stay in a cozy cabin, surrounded by a 1,300-acre forest. It's the perfect place to write or let your imagination take flight.

Visit our Website to find a workshop or retreat that suits your needs.

For more information about this workshop, contact Jo Lloyd at 570-253-1192, e-mail, or visit to request an application.

Please feel free to share this e-mail with others who might have an interest or to include the information in blog posts or through other social networking forums.

The Highlights Foundation is a public, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization. We dedicate our efforts to connecting, nurturing, and inspiring children's book writers and illustrators.


  1. Wonderful resource, you and Highlights both.

  2. Thanks for posting this! I think I might try and enter this year.

  3. I am working on one -- but I forgot I was. Thank you for the reminder! ;0

  4. I love the Chautauqua. I totally dream of returning someday.

  5. Mirka, Highlights folks are the crème de la crème :) So happy to be part of their family.

    Faith and Donna, GOOD LUCK!!!

    Molly, I can imagine you regaling the attendees with your stories. No more Chautauqua -- all operations are at Boyds Mills now.

  6. I am looking forward to my second workshop at Boyds Mills. So excited for this opportunity!!!
