
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Brookgreen Gardens

We had hoped to make a trip here in the spring to see all the flowering plants but our weekends got busy with sports. But it is still a gorgeous place to spend the day any time of the year. They don't just have plants, but a sculptures and a little zoo with native animals (and a rehab center for injured animals). We were there during feeding time so it was quite exciting. The fox was quite stinky, like a skunk. Max took most of the pictures ... he also got some excellent driving practice.




  1. What great pictures--and a beautiful place! I still want to see an alligator in person (from a distance) someday...
    Two of our chickens look just like that one!

  2. Until I got to the alligator photo, I was feeling refreshed walking around there with you...

  3. I love otters, so my fav is that otter statue, so cute!

  4. So gorgeous! I'm pretty much with Mirka. :D

  5. Faith, sometime you'll have to post pictures of your chickies.

    Mirka, that gator was behind a fence.

    Leandra, I love otters. They really know how to play.

    Marcia, I wasn't going to tell you, but just last week an 8 ft gator in one of the ponds near our home killed an 80-lb dog. We're careful to keep our dog on leash -- she is not even aware of the gators, they are so still and quiet. But they move incredibly fast once an animal near the banks.
