
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

For the Best 20 Years of My Life

What can I say, but "Thank You!" Marriage, children, and our Catholic faith are forever. On the Feast of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe, I'm looking forward to celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary with Mass, a summer concert, and a small supper afterwards. I don't think it's coincidence that he is the patron saint of families, or that our firstborn is named Max, or that we share several important dates and devotions. All this was unknown to us at the time of our marriage ... but I don't think we choose saints. They choose us. 

Here we are, five years ago, after receiving the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. How we've grown!!! The graces have been overflowing. I wish we'd done this 30 years ago!

I was reading about weddings in the time of Jesus on the ADW blog and came across this beautiful Palestrina: Surge, propera, amica mea. Enjoy!


  1. I love your exuberance over faith and family!

  2. Lovely music! I always enjoying get to see pics of you and your family, also lovely. =)

  3. Joyce, Leandra and Mirka, thank you. I can't help being in love.

  4. Wonderful music! Thank you so much for sharing.
