
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Why I Love Sept.

This little fellow *is* a pocket hamster. He's very much attached to my daughter and loves the sound of her voice. He'll clamber up the cage to be picked up or a treat. It's so much fun to watch him nibble on a piece of banana or carrot. Sometimes, he'll taste your finger, but has not drawn blood yet! Of course, he has nothing to do with Sept.

Despite the school/sports busyness, it's good to see the kids working hard and growing. It takes a couple of weeks to adjust and believe me, there is grousing every fall. But I am happy to see how the organized sports teach our children many, many life skills, particularly discipline. It carries over into so many other areas of their life. I highly recommend it, even if your kids are not athletic superstars. Mine aren't. They take after me ...  School days also provide me with several hours of quiet, not just for the writing, but the praying/thinking/daydreaming that is so essential in a writer's life. Even as I do the household chores, I can be thinking about the stories I'm working on. I take leisurely walks with the dog, sit out on the back porch to read, write and just soak in all the beauty. One of these days I'll have to record the symphony in my backyard. Having the quiet during the day balances our busy evenings.

It has cooled off considerably with the afternoon storms we've been having. Alas, the mosquitoes haven't quit biting me yet ...  Soon, soon. I love Sept. because it is the month my husband was born. He's growing after God's own heart. I say this to encourage those of you who mourn not introducing your children to Jesus when they were young or those who mourn the loss of faith in your adult children. Conversion of heart, the turning away from sin, can and does happen in adults. In fact, Michael was raised without God. But his heart began to turn as he read the Bible stories to our children. I cannot say I understand what went through his mind as he cast away his old thinking but he was falling in love with Jesus. And during RCIA we talked incessantly about Jesus, this God-Man, as we began to know Him. It was so much easier for me to return to faith, but in Michael I saw a greater humility as he confronted his own past and admitted that what he based his life on was wrong. This is no small thing for a grown, intelligent man. We joked about how squeaky clean he was when he was baptized. I admit I was a little bit jealous. Alas, we muck up our soul on a regular basis with all the trivial things, so thank God for confession and confessors.

That Easter Vigil, when our children were baptized and confirmed as well, I realized we've finally done right by them. But they will still need to embrace it on their own when they leave home. They will have to make a choice. Are they with Jesus or against? There is no half-way, no sitting on the fence, no wishy-washy. So keep the faith and keep praying. Two books my husband recommends for fathers: Fr. Alain Delagneau's Advice for Successful Families and Joseph's Way: the Call to Fatherly Greatness by Devin Schadt. Michael has given away so many copies of Advice, I've lost count. It's a slim book, chock-full of the most practical advice for families.

And last, I love Sept. for the SCBWI Carolinas conference. What perfect timing, even if I have to leave my sweetie for a weekend. We have a terrific chapter and I always enjoy being with like-minded folks. If you are in Charlotte this weekend, come say hello, have a cup of tea with me.


  1. What a great post. September is such a reflective time of year that is perfect for writing!

  2. September, or at least Fall, is when the Jewish New Year occurs. It seems appropriate: the time for new beginnings, fresh hope, a new school year. Definitely a time for reflection.

  3. Not only because of the Jewish Calendar, but September does feel like the time a cycle begins, while January never does.

    And September is wistful. One of my favorite states.

  4. What a cute hamster! I remember my hamster taking a few nibbles now and then. Have fun at the conference, and I hope you and Kristin get to cross paths and say hello!

  5. Thank you, Anne Marie. Yes, fall is one of my favorite times of the year to write.

    Barb and Mirka, wishing you both a Happy Rosh Hashanah! The seasonal change definitely makes a difference. Of course, since my birthday falls in Jan, it is natural for me to take stock then as well.

    Leandra, I love that we have mugs on the internet. I know who to look for now.

  6. I love September, too. It really is a new beginning in so many ways, and often gorgeous weather besides. As always, I love your photos, especially that sky!

  7. It hasn't cool down much yet here and we still need much more rain. However, this summer hasn't been nearly so hot as the last few years for which we are grateful.

  8. Oh, those clouds! Singing the glory of God...
    Happy September! I love this month, too.

  9. Marcia, I've always loved new beginnings and I do love my Sundays and Mondays :)

    Bish, it has finally cooled off here with all the afternoon storms. Even the mosquitoes aren't as bad (as I scratch my ankles).

    Faith, it's so funny because I find myself singing the Gloria too! Max has taken hundreds of cloud pictures.
