
Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year's Goals

I love this time of the year ... it reminds me of Rainer Maria Rilke's quote: And now we welcome the New Year. Full of things that have never been.

I think last year was the first year I didn't make many goals ... I was too sick for the first couple of months and it took a couple more to get used to the new medication to control the migraines. But they've worked out well, thank God. I remember how pleased I'd be with myself if I wrote anything those first few months. My daily goals persist: Read Bible, Pray, Write, Walk. But this year I want to be more intentional about not wasting precious time and staying focused on fewer projects so that I complete them. I get distracted with shiny new ideas ALL the time. Oh, look, a bird! 

Marcia Hoehne has a lovely post on New Year's Words. Last year it was Patience ... and it was exactly what I needed to cultivate in all aspects of my life, including writing. The year before it was Fiat!

This year's word came to me sometime mid-Dec. It is Clarity. As I prepared my goals for this year, I had a clearer sense of purpose. I want to begin work on a new novel and of course, with two of them clamoring for attention, I need clarity to decide which one to focus on so that I can finish. Earlier there were three, so I'm making progress :) And there are always the short projects. I doubt I could ever give those up ... there is an incomparable joy in having a perfect little poem or story. They're like these photos -- capturing moments I want to remember.

I am looking forward to turning 50. If my 40s were wracked with the joys and pains of turning to Jesus, I cannot imagine what living in His Word is going to bring. He has already given me a peace that I cannot explain. 

I want to walk more on the beach! I hope these photos taken by Max and Dagny inspire you too. Wishing you all a happy and healthful New Year, filled with all God's blessings upon you.

Sunset by Dagny

Sunset by Max


  1. I'll be praying that you have great clarity and peace in 2015!
    The photos are gorgeous, as always--and so is Dagny! She's really growing up.

  2. Love how the sunset is reflected in the water! And I also love that you're celebrating birthdays, instead of being down about them. I was having a bit of a thirties-moment last night and then had to give myself a stern talking to. I always think back to this quote: Never regret growing older, it is a privilege denied to many. I try and remember it too, when I get sad about the kidlet growing up. Anyhoo, hope your 2015 is wonderful!

  3. Oh, wow, those are lovely photos! I definitely need to spend time remembering the warmth of Charleston right now (tonight's forecast: windchills down to -50).

    Clarity is a wonderful word for 2015!

  4. Love the pictures, especially the sunsets!!!!! So glad you live in such a beautiful place. Blessings, Ev

  5. Years ago someone told me that my birthstone (aquamarine) stood for courage and intellectual clarity. I'm not much for crystal-faith, but I embrace the need for courage combined with intellectual clarity anytime.

    Here's to *CLARITY,* then. All the best for you and your beautiful family, Vijaya.

  6. Thanks so much for the good wishes and compliments on the photos. The kids sure do a nice job.

    Faith, thank you for your prayers and I cannot believe Dagny is 13 and a smidge taller than me.

    Leandra, do you remember Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally? I love when she's crying and say it's because she'll be 40 one day. My mom died at age 51 ... so yes, I am very thankful to be alive and want to live long enough to become a grandmother.

    Rose, it's only because I was a scientist that I remember the way things are at -20 or -40 or -80 (deg C, of course, but FYI -50F is remarkably close to -40C)

    Ev, thank you.

    Mirka, yes to courage + clarity. One needs the former to act.

  7. Gorgeous photos, as always. Everything looks so peaceful! Wow, the kids are really growing up.
