
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

President's Day! She Does It Again

On President's Day, Dagny went for an early morning shoot and then read her fictional story about a Swedish family arriving at Ellis Island to the Daughters of the American Revolution at the Old Exchange Building. What's amazing is that as the winning students read their essays, I remembered my own entry into this country, being poked and prodded, even thought I didn't come through Ellis Island. Becoming an American is a very emotional moment. I still remember taking my oath when I turned 19 and I have a polaroid shot of that special day!

The essays were all excellent and shared many similarities but I liked Dagny's the best (I'm just a wee bit biased). I still remember when she was drafting and was digging up historical details on the internet. I shared some of my own research and some of the stories of the Bodachs. We have a funny story about the name change but she kept her story serious.  She's the first student ever to have won the contest two years in a row. We are so proud of her. And we are thankful for her teachers who do so much work with all the children. Her delivery was excellent and later at the reception, we had the chance to meet with some very lovely ladies. We didn't take a tour of the dungeon again because Dagny had lacrosse practice, but being in downtown Charleston and seeing George Washington makes me so proud to be an American! God bless America!!!



  1. Congratulations to Dagny for a job well done!

  2. Your daughter is beautiful AND gifted, Vijaya.

  3. Congrats! You much be such a proud momma!

  4. Congratulations, Dagny! What an achievement.

  5. Wow, that's amazing! So proud of her.

  6. Thank you all. We are proud of her. We hope one day she'll follow in the footsteps of great Southern ladies.

  7. Wow, that's wonderful, good for her!
