
Friday, March 6, 2015

Ceramics Class

This picture cracks me up -- Max found some of our old cameras and is playing around with them. Oh, I hope he gets to be an NG photographer some day. Maybe he'll get to shoot a racing cars, or get to race them or design them. I'll never forget the time I was driving in Belgium and it was racing season and there were five red Ferraris zooming past me in my little white Opel. There were times I'd drive a 100 mph on those roads. I loved speed and my little car could handle it. These days I'm much more sedate and would prefer nothing else than being driven around, and Max is more than happy to oblige.

I love these pieces he made in his ceramics class -- so beautiful. The colors are gorgeous in the glaze and I wondered how he made all those curves. He said while the clay was wet, it was supported. I'm surprised it didn't crack during the firing process. 

I never learned how to do any of this, and this is why I am thankful to send my children to school. It's clear their aptitudes and interests lie in the sciences, but they've had the most wonderful teachers who've helped them to develop their artistic side. They've always come home with beautiful art projects -- drawings and paintings, collages and jewelry, dioramas and dolphins -- and taught me.


  1. I'm not Max's mother, and I *love* these ceramics, also.

    Thumb's up, way up.

  2. Love the colourful ceramics!

    Your story about Ferraris racing past you reminds me of the time we were driving along an Italian highway near the city of Ferrari at normal highway speed. Three red Ferraris in a row sped past us. A while later we stopped for gas or coffee or something, and saw them all parked together. We figured they were on the way to a classic car meet. :-)

  3. Old camera, new hobby. How cool is that!

  4. Beautiful pottery, Vijaya! Please tell Max I like his work.

  5. What beautiful works of art!

  6. Beautiful. The orange is glorious.

  7. Thank you all so much! I wish you could all come over for tea and share.

    Barb, how fun! Classic car shows are the best. We've been to a couple. Michael used to own a couple ... an Alpha Romeo and a Barracuda. We miss those beauties.

  8. How beautiful to learn from your children. These pieces are lovely! I love the story of you racing your Opel in Belgium : )
