
Monday, June 1, 2015

The Graduate

 Graduation Mass was lovely last Friday at Divine Redeemer. Most of the graduates have been going to this wonderful little school for 8 years, part of an extended family. We are so blessed that our children could attend this GEM of a school for the short time. When I stepped into the halls of this school, I knew it was the right one. You won't see the ipad program here (thank God). Here you'll see teachers who not only teach but also discipline. They'll also give the kids a hug. After all, they are in parentis loco. Here, our little girl became a young lady. She learned what it's like to have many siblings, some that you adore, some that you are annoyed with, but all whom you must love and respect. She did her very best work, but not always. She did not want to be the valedictorian. I told her that is quite all right not to want to be in the limelight. Alas, she had forgotten all about being the salutatorian. But no matter. She wrangled out of the speech. Perhaps she should've gotten an award for that :) The young man who was the valedictorian deserved it completely. What a wonderful and inspiring speech he gave. And he is so very well trained by his parents to turn around for a proper photo after receiving an award! Not my kid. But we are so very proud of her, for knowing what she wants, for her persistence, for her hard work, and above all, for having a great sense of humor.



So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, goodbye.
We'll miss you Divine Redeemer. But we'll be back to visit.


  1. Congrats to her and to you! You both look lovely!

  2. Congrats to you and your daughter!

  3. Well done to your daughter and her family. We also looked hard for the right schooling and it was challenging. But we agree this is a sacred duty, and an effort one never regrets.
    Your daughter is beautiful. She'll take all she got forward.

  4. Awesome and congrats to all of you. Sounds like a fabulous school.

  5. Congrats to both of you! It sounds like a wonderful school, a place where there's a nice balance of encouragement and discipline, which is hard to find.

  6. Fantastic. Congratulations. Sounds like a great place to educated a child.

  7. Thank you all so much. We've been so blessed at Divine Redeemer. Max was able to get photos of her with all her major teachers.

  8. Congratulations to you and your daughter, Vijaya! She sounds like a very strong-minded and good-humoured young woman (to cleverly get herself out of making the speech) ... What I like especially about the school is how the teachers gave discipline AND hugs. :)

    * Vijaya, thank you so much for visiting my blog. I'm sorry about your missing comment on RED BUTTERFLY. Don't know what happened there because I remember reading your comment (that it was a great book and you were glad I'd featured it) and I remember replying to it. I'm baffled as to why it'd vanished!
