
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Fireworks and Stars and Stripes

My kids rode their bikes out to get pictures of the fireworks in Charleston. I was wiped out, so stayed home. It is really nice having older kids and I especially enjoyed this article by Fr. Dwight Longnecker about freedom and responsibility -- it's something we have to discuss from time to time with our kids, especially when they lapse in the responsibility dept.

Enjoy Max's pictures. I hope everybody is having a wonderful holiday weekend.





  1. I missed the fireworks also, so this will have to do. Wonderful photography, max.

  2. Amazing pictures! My kiddos are too little for the big fireworks (both too loud and too late), so we just set some little ones off Saturday evening. Happy 4th!

  3. Beautiful! Your son is a great photographer. Happy 4th, Vijaya!

  4. Nice photographs! Hope you had an happy 4th, Vijaya!

  5. Thanks folks. Katie, how fun for your little ones to have just-the-right-sized fireworks.
