
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Library Display -- Harvest Tour of Homes

A friend sent me this library display! Do you see what I see? I've been invited to be part of the annual Harvest Tour of Homes. It's a very unique way to raise money for our local library. Four beautiful homes are featured and in each home there is a local author. I am so honored to be amongst these wonderful authors who write about food, culture and history. I have a feeling my Michael is going to be very interested in Robert Moss's books on Southern food and especially barbecue! If you either watched or read and enjoyed The Help, you will love Angela William's memoir: Hush Now, Baby. I suspect that many such stories are just waiting to be told. And for the history buffs: a novel set in antebellum Charleston by Ben Pogue.  If you're in the Charleston area Oct. 24th, come see me and these amazing writers and support our local library!

I wonder whether some day I can get our home in good enough shape to be *shown*!!! Alas, the writing life means that I am not the best housekeeper. We have books not only on the shelves but piles of them in every room. And papers. Our formal dining area is actually a computer and art room. We pretty much live in the kitchen and back porch. It is a writer's dream home -- tranquil. Perhaps I'll leave behind a legacy of great books and someone else will keep house for me. Or maybe long after I'm dead, people will come to see where I wrote. Ah, one can dream.


  1. Very cool, Vijaya!

    Also--I looooooooove your background picture of the Angel Oak.

  2. What a great idea to combine house tours with local celebrity authors. Sounds fun--enjoy!

  3. Thanks so much!

    I hope the Angel Oak brings back many good memories for you, Rose. Every time I see it, it brings a smile to my face. Max took that gorgeous photo.

    Mirka, I love you.

  4. How exciting it is to see your book featured at the library! These corners or glass cases do attract many, many viewers. I'd know because I've often picked out books that my librarians showcase.

  5. I love the idea of a "tranquil" writer's home, Vijaya! Hope to see you this weekend!

  6. Claudine, I know! I've discovered many books from the display case.

    Becky, I'll miss you this weekend but I do so love my writing digs.

    Molly, right back atcha! Love you.
